Saturday, May 6, 2017

Updates from Lee Ann

So, we're finally getting our act together with the blog. If you've been following along, I may have confused you a bit because I have been updating the posting dates to correlate with when the activities actually happened, rather than the date it was posted. As we go forward, I'll be adjusting the dates after posting to correlate with the date of the entry (So Grandma and Nana may have to look hard to make sure they didn't miss any posts!). I'm hoping to be close to caught up by mid-May or so. There will be a bunch of posts coming up this week and next.

We also have some maps posted. We are posting them for the first of the month but they should change as the month goes on to reflect the places we've been. This is still a work in progress, but we'll see how it goes.

I am also hoping, at some point, to start including some of my own thoughts about the trip, but one thing at a time, I guess! The wheels of progress move slowly.

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