Monday, September 11, 2017

The Grand Tetons - Nick and Andi

View of the Grand Tetons from our campsite
(this is how it looked the day we left)

Nick: Two days ago we got up early and did a one hour drive to our next campsite. It was in Grand Teton National Forest. It was supposed to be really pretty, but since half the country was on fire, we couldn’t see any of the cool mountains in Grand Teton. After we set up camp we went to the Visitor’s Center. We looked at the museum. It was a lot of stuff about animals. We also watched a movie about Grand Teton Mountains. 

Andi: Then we came home and had pizza and a movie (or for Mom and Dad, Game of Thrones).

Jenny Lake hike

Moose up close and personal
Nick: Yesterday we got up early and did a hike. It was called Jenny Lake hike it went around a really pretty lake called Jenny Lake. We also stopped at Moose Pond where you were supposed to be able to see moose. We saw two moose there. One was a bull and the other was too far away to tell. Then we kept hiking. About a mile later we saw three black bears, one mom and two cubs. They were really cool. We watched them for a while and then walked away. When we were done with our hike we went to the car and had lunch. We ended up hiking 9 miles. 

Then we did a ranger guided driving tour. We had a bunch of stops but my favorite stop was by a river where we saw three moose – one bull, one cow, and one calf. We were about 20-30 yards away. They were huge. We watched them for a really long time. They wouldn’t move off the trail so we had to do some off-roading to get to the car. Then we came home, had dinner and went to bed.

Pronghorn antelope

Nick: Yesterday we got up kind of early to do a bike ride. When we got the bikes in the car, we drove to the bike lane parking lot. In the beginning of the bike ride we went through a cool tunnel. Then we kept biking. After a while we saw a pronghorn antelope right on the side of the road. We were about 10 yards away from it. We watched it for a while until it walked away. I wanted to see it run because they run almost as fast as a cheetah. After we had gone about 9 miles we turned back. When we got back to the car we had gone 18 miles. When we got back to the camper we ate a huge lunch because it was 2:00. Then we drove into Yellowstone to choose which campsite we wanted. We got some great views of the Tetons. Then when we got back we made dinner, ate dinner, and went to bed. 

Interesting sunshine

Nick: I forgot to mention, driving back from Yellowstone we saw some really cool clouds with huge rays of sun coming out of them. One of the clouds was multicolored. It was neon orange, neon pink, neon green and a lot of other neon colors. It was really cool.

Andi: Then when we were going home we saw really cool clouds where the rays of sun came out. Then we had dinner and played. Some of the clouds were rainbow colors. You could even see it without polarized glasses.

Very muddy bike ride!


Nick: Yesterday we slept in and had a big breakfast. By the time we finished breakfast it was about 11:00. Then Mom, Andi, and I biked 14 miles into town to watch a Packer game. The ride was really fun. Dad met us at the pub. We ordered pizza and nachos. It was really fun. Andi and I also played in the game room. The Packers won 17-9. Then we came home and hung out for a while.

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