Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Joshua Tree - Andi

Teddy Bear Cholla cactus - they aren't actually soft!
Nov. 26, 2017
Yesterday we had a down day. We went to the Visitor Center, read, and had dinner. Then we read Harry Potter.

Nov. 27, 2017
Hiking in Joshua Tree National Park
Yesterday we had omelets. Then we moved sites. It turned out we were on private land so the owner came out and got to know Mom and Dad. They talked for an hour or so and it was boring for me. Then we went to the airport and looked at gliders and planes. They had 2-seaters, 1-seaters, and all different kinds of planes. Then we came home and watched the Packer game and read Harry Potter.

Nov. 28, 2017
Yesterday we did the Lost Horse Mine Trail. We saw lots of Joshua trees. The mine was about 3 quarters of the way into the trail. It was a building with cables running off it. Then we went home and had dinner.

Nov. 29, 2017
Yesterday we worked on the generator. Then we shopped for a generator. We ready Harry Potter in the car. Then I kept writing my story. It was about demigods. Then we read Harry Potter and went to bed.

Nov. 30, 2017
49 Palms Oasis
Yesterday I wrote my story all morning. Then we drove to a hike. We saw a horned owl in the beginning. There were Joshua Rocks that were made of dried magma. The end of the trail was all palm trees. Not Joshua trees, palm trees. Then we went home and played dominoes. We finished Harry Potter.

Dec. 1, 2017
Yesterday I wrote my book. Then we went on the 49 Palms Oasis hike. We went to the Visitor Center. We did a ranger-led hike but I wasn’t listening. Then we came home and I watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone for the first time.

Flying remote control planes
Dec. 2, 2017
Yesterday we got to fly our friends’ model remote control airplanes. One went up to 60 mph. we mostly flew that one. We learned about pitch, yaw, roll, and lots of other stuff that I don’t know what it’s called. Then we went home. We had lunch and then we went to an airplane hangar. There was a huge airplane that we got to sit in. I got bored quick and started playing the games that were there. Then we went to the ranger station and looked around. Then we did laundry. Then we went to bed.

Family shadow in Hidden Valley

Dec. 3, 2017
Yesterday we went on the Ryan Mountain hike. It was only 1.5 miles, but it was very steep. The view at the top wasn’t actually that good. If I hadn’t known there were Joshua trees at the bottom I would have thought that there were normal dead trees.  Then we went down and saw skull rock. It was shaped like a skull. Then we saw Hidden Valley where early comers would hide stolen cattle. Then we went home and watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Getting ready to fly the glider!!
Post-flying dance
Dec. 4, 2017
Yesterday we watched the Packer game in the camper. Then we went to the airport and we rode a glider. We went 5,000 feet high. All the houses looked like oversized sheds. We were there for a couple hours and it got boring when I wasn’t flying. Then we went home and I played Barbies. Then we had a family game of laser tag. Then we played dominoes.

Dec. 5, 2017

Yesterday we drove to San Diego. It was a 2 hour drive but it was kind of pretty. We got to our campsite and played on the playground. Then we went to bed.

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