Saturday, November 4, 2017

San Francisco - Andi

Oct. 27, 2017
Yesterday we rented a car and drove. We got far and stopped at a hotel to sleep.

Feeding the rays at the aquarium
Oct. 30, 2017
Over the past few days we went to the Aquarium of the Bay. It had fish tunnels that had weird fish. We also saw an octopus. Then we did a touch tank. I gave plankton to the rays. We also did a VR (Virtual Reality) program. It was a scuba diving show. Then we saw the sea otters. We saw feeding time for the otters.
My new dress from Chinatown

Then we left to go to Chinatown. We went to the fortune cookie factory. They hand made the fortune cookies. Then I got a Chinese dress. Then we ate at House of Nanking. It was great. Then we went to the hotel.

Hanging off the trolley

The next day we had Bob’s doughnuts. I got a croissant. It was good. Then we tried to play on a playground but somebody had previously set it on fire. Then we went to the Academy of Science. We saw fish and butterflies, penguins and turtles, and our ancestors. We saw a scuba diving program. Then we looked at the lobby of the hotel next door. We met Uncle Ryan, Chelsea, Mrs. Shelly and Mr. Jacob. Mrs. Shelly and Mr. Jacob are Uncle Ryan and Chelsea’s friends. We had lunch at In and Out Burgers. Then we did a trolley ride and hung off the sides. Then we had dinner.

In a cell at Alcatraz
The next day we went to Alcatraz. Alcatraz is a prison on an island. We did the audio tour. Each prison had one room. It had a toilet, a sink, a table, a bench, and a metal cot and mattress. Many prisoners tried and failed to get out. In the dining hall they fought about spaghetti because they were getting sick of it. They also got to go outside to get fresh air. Some people got out but couldn’t swim to San Francisco. Then we got off the island and ate lunch. Then we walked the Golden Gate Bridge in the fog. Then we had dinner. The next day we did a bay cruise with just Uncle Ryan. Mom, Nick, Dad, and Uncle Ryan got splashed with salt water. I did not. We went under the Golden Gate Bridge and turned around. We saw sea lions. Then we rode the trolley to the trolley museum. I looked at the video that was playing. Then we went to Uncle Ryan’s hotel and said goodbye. Then we left towards the camper. The next day we got up and had a lazy morning. Then we played on the beach. We had dinner and a movie.

Nov. 2, 2017
Yesterday we had a down day. I cross stitched for a while. Then we went grocery shopping. I made salmon burgers. Then we played dominion and read Harry Potter.

Nov. 3, 2017
Yesterday we had a lazy morning. We had lunch then went to the fish hatchery. There was a cat, which was the best part. Then we came home and I made gnocchi with mushroom cream sauce. Then we played dominion.

Nov. 4, 2017
Yesterday we did laundry. Then we got the truck back. Then we had homemade pesto cavatappi. Then we played games and read Harry Potter.

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