Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Texas - Andi and Nick

Andi: Yesterday we had a quiet morning. Then we scrambled on the rocks. We got to a hard and low part that I had trouble getting down. Then Nick and I started the robot we got for Christmas. We watched a movie and went to bed.

Nick: Yesterday we drove most of the day. We stopped at a gas station along the way. When we got to our site Andi and I played Wii for a little while. Then we had dinner. After it was dark we went to a viewing station. You look at some lights off in the desert. Nobody really knows what they are. They flicker on and off. They get bright and then dim and they move around a little. There is no town or anything man-made where they are. It was kind of cool. Then we came home and went to bed.

Andi: Yesterday we drove to our next campsite. We set up and watched the mysterious lights. They kept changing colors, blinking, and moving every once in a while. Then we played Wii.

Nick: Yesterday we drove for a while in the morning. When we got to our site in Monahans Sand Dunes, Andi and I went sledding on the dunes for a while. It was way faster than White Sands. We had a great time. Then we came back and had lunch. Then Andi and I played Wii for a while. Next we had dinner and watched a movie.

Andi: Yesterday we went sledding for a while. Then we took showers and played Wii. We watched a movie and went to bed.

Nick: Yesterday we slept in and had breakfast. Then we packed up the camper and drove about 1 hour to our next site. When we got there we set up our camper. Then we had lunch. Next we got Mom from the airport. It was good to see her again. Then we came home and opened Christmas presents from Uncle Dan and Kayleigh. I got a game called Bears and Babies. It looked really fun. I have not got to try it yet. I also got a gift card. Next we went out to dinner with Mr. Robert. He is my 1st cousin once removed. We had not seen him in a couple of years. He was really nice and it was good to see him again. The food was good. Then we said bye and came home.

Sitting in a race car at the Petroleum Museum

Nick: Yesterday we had a lazy morning and got going at about 11:00. We went to the Petroleum Museum. It was about how they pumped oil from the ground and what the oil was used for. My favorite exhibit was a side exhibit that wasn’t about oil. It was about race cars. There were real race cars in the building. You got to sit in one of them. Then we had lunch at the rig. Then we came back to the museum and looked around for a while again. Next we came back to the camper for dinner. Then we came back to the museum again to do a science program. They had all sorts of cool experiments. My favorite one was “program your own robot”. Then we went to an ice cream place with Mr. Robert. Next we said bye and came home.
Andi wearing firefighting
gear at the Science Program

Andi: Yesterday we went to the Petroleum Museum. We went to the future and saw what oil pumping would look like in the future. They had a flying ship that had the ability to fly 1,000 miles per second and go underwater and hold three types of robots: the sea spider that only had six legs, the nanobots that were microscopic robots that could fly, and the robots that scanned for oil. It also had a laser that would dig a hole down to the oil. The laser made a ceramic lining around the hole so it wouldn’t cave in. it was all CGI though. Then we watched the Mythcracker show. It was kind of like Jeopardy except you got points and not money. We looked at the rest of the museum throughout the day. We saw race cars. One car was so low that it sucked itself to the ground and it wouldn’t fly off the track so it won every race until the government said that they couldn’t let it drive anymore. Then we went home and had dinner. Then we went back to the museum for a family science program. Then we had ice cream with Robert.

Nick: Yesterday we drove to our next site near San Angelo. It was not a long drive. When we got there we set up our camp and then we drove around San Angelo. We saw the apartment Mom and Dad lived in for 6 weeks. We also saw the hospital Mom worked at while she lived here. Then we found a playground that Andi and I played at for a while. Then we came home and had enchiladas for dinner.

Andi: Yesterday we drove around San Angelo with no destination in particular. We saw Mom’s old clinic, Mom’s favorite burrito place, and played at a playground. Then on the way home we went shopping. Then we had dinner.

5K start in San Angelo
the home stretch of the 5K
Nick: Today I ran a 5K in the morning. We had found out about it the day before. I decided to do it but no one else wanted to. It was trail running so it was really rocky. It was way harder than road running. My time was 28:17. I finished 13th overall. Then we had breakfast burritos that Dad had gotten from a burrito place Mom and Dad used to go to when they lived in San Angelo. Then Andi and I shot a slingshot I had got the day before. It was really fun. We also did an experiment from Andi’s chemistry set. Next we had dinner and played Bears vs. Babies.
Cheering for Nick during the 5K

Andi: We signed Nick up for a 5K race in the morning. He got 13th out of about 75 people. Then we tried Nick’s slingshot out. We did chemistry also. Then we played with the slingshot some more. We had dinner and played Bears vs. Babies.
Best. Breakfast. Burritos.

Nick: Yesterday we drove most of the day to Dallas, Texas. That is where I was born. When we got to our site we unhooked. Then we drove around Dallas. We saw the house I lived in for my first 7 months of life. It was a small house. We also saw the hospital I was born in. it was a nice city. Then we had dinner out at Los Lupes. It was a Mexican place that Mom and Dad ate at a lot. Then we came home and went to bed. I forgot to mention that we had burritos for breakfast.

Andi: Yesterday we drove to Dallas. We saw the old house. Then we saw the new Parkland Clinic. It had 862 beds and Mom’s clinic at home only has 30. Then we went to Los Lupes for dinner. We went shopping and I got a slingshot. We came home and went to bed.

Standing on a hay bale
Driving the gator with Dr. Henry

This tractor was HUGE!
Dr. Henry's cattle herd
Nick: Yesterday we drove to our next site in Mother Neff State Park. We got there before noon. Then we went to Dr. Henry’s house. My mom used to work with him when we lived in Texas. His wife was Mrs. Vicky. They were both very nice. When we got to their house we ate lunch meat on really good bread for lunch. Then Dr. Henry showed us around his ranch. He had 750 acres. To get around, Dr. Henry and Mom drove in his car. Andi and I took turns driving the gator, which is a little ATV that seats 2 people. The first thing we did was set the pig trap. There is a bucket of food in the middle of a cage and when the pigs ate from the bucket the cage door closed. Next we rounded up all of his cows and fed them. He had tons of cows. We got to hand feed some of them. Their tongues were really gross. They felt like sandpaper. They also drooled a lot. One of his cows was part longhorn. She had little horns. Next we drove to the place where he stored the hay bales. We got to drive a giant tractor that moved the hay bales into a field where the cows could eat them. The tractor we used to move the hay bales had spikes on it that you stuck into the hay bale and then you lifted up. It could carry 3 bales at a time. Dr. Henry let us drive the tractor. Then you dump the hay bales off and make sure they are right side up. Next we had to take the plastic wrapping off so the cows could eat it. We had to do that by hand. Next we started heading back to Dr. Henry’s house. I got to drive back. When we got back Dr. Henry let us drive his bulldozer. He had some trees he didn’t like so we took them down. It was like snapping a toothpick. The controls were really fun. Mrs. Vicky had made pot roast and we had that for dinner. It was really good. We also had ice cream. Then we said bye and came home.

Andi driving the huge tractor

Andi: Yesterday we went to Dr. Henry’s house. He had 750 acres of land and it was all a ranch. He had more than maybe 50 or 60 cows and we fed a lot of them. Then we drove a gator. Dr. Henry said it got up to 40 miles per hour. I drove a big tractor that would space out the bales of hay. I practiced driving the gator. We had dinner and went home. Before we had dinner, we knocked a couple of trees over with his bulldozer. It was like snapping a toothpick.

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