Friday, April 28, 2017

New York City 2 - Andi

April 25, 2017
Dinner at Bill's Burgers
Yesterday we went to the pedestal at Lady Liberty's feet. We didn’t get to go to the crown because you had to get tickets three or four months before you came. Then we went to Ellis Island. I didn't find it very interesting. Then we got lunch from a food cart. I got a lamb gyro (y-r-o). We got a Wall Street walking tour and I learned that Wall Street got its name from the wall around it a long time ago. There was a wall because it was to keep the English out. Then we went to the 9/11 memorial and museum. The museum was about how two huge planes hit the twin towers. We also went to Fraunces Tavern. I tried on olden day clothes. Oh I forgot to tell you that Fraunces Tavern is where George Washington said good bye and then left. Then we had dinner at Bill's Burgers. Then we went home and went to bed.

Big Bus Tour
Guggenheim Museum
Today we got bagels from Daniel's. Then we got tickets for the Big Bus tour. We got on and did a tour. We got off and went to the Natural History Museum. We saw really cool gems. The rest I didn't find very interesting. Then we had lunch. After we got back on the Big Bus Tour and turned the channel to number 2. Then we went to the Guggenheim Museum. It wasn't very cool but the building was. It was a spiral going up or down. Then we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We saw the paintings of the person who made the pictures I have in my room. Then we went home and had dinner then had a cookie and then read Harry Potter.
Madison Square Garden

April 27, 2017
Yesterday we went to Madison Square Garden to ask when our tour was and to ask where a good place to have bagels was. They said "Zaro's". We went to Zaro's and came back for our tour. We got in Madison Square Garden and got in the line for the tour and then we started the tour. We went up to the sixth floor. There were dates all around the floor and we found my birthday. Then we went to the boxes. They were really nice. After that we went to the highest floor. It was bar seating but not a bar. Then we got to the end of the tour. Then we saw a submarine. It was really cool. Then we saw a boat with a kids’ area on it. Then we had lunch at a barbeque place. Then we went on a boat tour. It wasn't very interesting so I just looked out the window and played with Nick. Then we went home and I went to bed.

April 28, 2017
Yesterday we went to Grand Central Station. It is the biggest station in the world. Then we went to Central Park. We found a playground. We played with two kids named Brandon and James. Then we got falafel. It was really good. After that we went to Chinatown and got fried dumplings. Those were really good too. After that we went to the skyscraper museum. I didn't really look at it or read it. I looked at a couple pictures on a computer they had on display. Then we went home and had dinner and watched Sully with popcorn. Sully is about the plane that crashed in the Hudson River.

Today we packed up and left New York and went to Connecticut. We got there and Nick and I checked out the mini golf and laser tag. Then we played laser tag. It was awesome. The laser guns were shaped like rifles. There was a boat, walls, boxes, and a truck that you could hide behind so that you wouldn't die. We did one round for mom and then we went home and had dinner. Then I finished my alligator report. Then we did math, folded laundry, and got rid of some of my clothes and organized my shelves.
My finished Alligator


  1. Andi, I love your alligator; Mom showed it to me before she took it to your school. You did a great job on it. I'd like to read the report some time also. Love, Nana

  2. Hi Andi, I hope you didn't get lost in Central Park. Riding bikes but have been fun; I've only walked/run there. Did you see all the horse carriages lined up? Aunt Lisa and I stayed in a hotel right next to Central Park.
    Ellis Island is where your great great grandparents came to the United States from Norway in 1897. It took them six weeks by boat. I have a picture of the boat they came on that I'll show you some time.
    Love, Nana

    1. Nana, I also think I did a good job on my alligator. You can read my report anytime. I didn't get lost in Central Park and riding bikes was fun. It took my great great grandparents 6 weeks to get to Ellis Island from Norway?!? I would love to see the picture of the boat. Love, Andi

  3. Hi Andi. Love your alligator too. You mentioned making it in some of your writings, but I had no idea how complicated it was. What is he made out of? You must have put a lot of hours into it. Good job!

    Love, Grandma Lau

  4. Hi again. I forgot to mention that we watched a show on TV last night about an exhibit in the skyscraper museum. They told about a French man who tight-rope walked between the two towers of the World Trade Center when it was just about finished being built (I think it was around 1973). He walked back and forth 8 times and even laid down on the rope while up more than 1,000 feet in the air. He got arrested for trespassing when he finally came down but the jury was so impressed they let him off with no fine or jail time. Love to you and Nick and your mom and dad too.
    Grandma Lau

    1. Grandma, My alligator was made out of paper plates. I put a lot of days into it. My favorite part was spray painting him. That is cool about the tightrope and man. Love, Andi

  5. Hey I think my mom took that picture because that is our counter the funny thing is we thought you made that for us it is also on desplay at school I heard that kids said it was there a second grade parent actually told me
