Saturday, October 21, 2017

More Utah - Nick

Bryce Canyon - Fairyland Trail Hike

Yesterday we had a big breakfast and then we drove to Bryce Canyon to do a hike. We decided on a hike called Fairyland Trail. It was an 8 mile trail. We got to go down in the canyon and walk among the hoodoos. (Hoodoos are a rock formation.) The hike was really cool. We also got to walk along the rim of the canyon. We saw a really cool formation that was really cool. It was two hoodoos with a thin horizontal slab of rock connecting them. When we finished the hike we came home, had dinner, and watched a movie.

Yesterday we went to the Visitor’s Center to find out what hike we wanted to do. We decided on a hike that was in the slot canyon. The hike was four miles long. The river we were hiking along was called Willis Creek. It was a small creek but it carved a really deep canyon that we were hiking in. the canyon was really deep, but really narrow, so it looked kind of weird, but cool. There was a really cool waterfall we saw in the trail. When we were done with the hike, Mom and I were the only ones with dry feet. After the hike we went back to the camper and hooked up. Next we drove to our next site. When we got to our site Andi and I played outside for a while. Finally we had dinner and went to bed.

Goblin Park
Yesterday we packed up camp in the morning and started driving to Goblin National Park. The drive was really long. I did my homework in the car. When we got to Goblin we did a hike. Goblin is called Goblin because in the park there are hoodoos that look really weird like goblins. The reason they looked so weird was because on the hoodoos some layers of rock erode faster than others, so you end up with a really weird looking formation. We got to hike in the goblins. Sometimes when you got in a big cluster of goblins, it was like a maze inside of them. We also got to climb on top of some of them.
The hoodoos look like goblins

We didn’t hike very far, but we saw a ton of cool goblin formations. When we finished the hike we dropped our camper in a parking lot, about 20 minutes from Goblin. Next we went to a bar, got some pizza and watched the Packers game. They beat the Cowboys. When the game was over we found a camping site, played a game of Clue and went to bed.

Yesterday we were all kind of tired for some reason so we decided not to do much all day. We stayed home for a while. Dad and I worked on my bike motor and almost finished. When we were almost done, I accidentally snapped a screw. We went to a hardware store and got a new screw. We also got groceries. When we got back to the camper Dad and I kept working on the motor and almost finished. Then we ate dinner and went to bed.

Yesterday we went to the Arches National Park Visitor Center in the morning. We looked around for a while and then went on a hike. During our hike we saw lots of cool rock formations and arches. At one spot we had to go across a big pool of water by walking on logs, which was fun. We ate lunch under a really big arch and it was nice because we were the only ones there. We thought that the arch we ate at was the arch called Private Arch because no one was there. We actually saw the real Private Arch a little while later but there were lots of people there. There was one spot on the trail where we had to climb up a rock formation that was at a 45 degree angle. We saw a few big arches but my favorite one was Landscape Arch. It was a really long, skinny arch. When we were done with the hike Dad and Andi went to get water while Mom and I did a short hike. We saw Double Arch, which is two arches with the same base. When we were done with that hike we all came home and ate dinner.

Double Arch

Today we went to Canyonlands National Park. We did a pretty drive and a few small hikes. The hikes went out to viewpoints overlooking the canyon. We got to go out on some cliffs overlooking the main canyon which was huge. On one of the hikes we got to climb up on the top of a huge rock that looked like a whale. On another hike we saw a giant crater that scientists thought was formed by a giant asteroid. When we were done we came home and had dinner.

Yesterday was Andi’s birthday, so on her request, we had a huge breakfast of omelets. I made her a card and gave her a basket weaving kit Mom and I bought the day before. When we were done with breakfast and cards and presents, we drove to our next site. It was a really long drive. We stopped on the way and for Andi’s birthday lunch (she is turning 8) we had hot dogs. When we got to our site we set up the camper and then did laundry. After laundry we went to a hibachi place for dinner. It was really fun and the food was good.

Yesterday in the morning there was something wrong with the generator so we fixed that in the morning. When we were done with that, we dropped Mom off at the airport so she could go home. When we got back dad worked on the generator some more. Then we had dinner and watched a movie.

Yesterday we slept in and then ate breakfast. Then we went into town and went grocery shopping. That took a really long time. When we got back, Dad and I worked on my bike motor. We think if we work on it one more time it will be done. When we were done with that we had pizza for dinner and watched Karate Kid. After that we had a campfire.

Yesterday we tried all morning to get the Fox channel on our TV to watch the Packer game but the antenna couldn’t pick it up so we gave up and went to a Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game. We lost big time. When we got back we gathered wood for a campfire. It took a really long time. Then we had dinner. Once it got dark we had our fire. It was the hottest fire I’ve ever seen. After the fire we went to bed.

Yesterday Andi and I climbed a small 880 foot tall mountain in the morning. We had to climb up a lot of huge rock faces to get to the top. When we got to the top we sat there for a while and then we came down. Once we got down we had some lunch. After that we went into town to run some errands.  When we got back to the camper Dad and I worked on my bike motor and finished it, but we didn’t have time to start it. It looked really cool though. Then we had dinner and Andi and I played Wii.

Yesterday we drove all day. We were going to Reno, Nevada because that’s where we’re picking Mom up. The drive was kind of pretty. When we got to our site, we ate dinner and Andi and I played Wii.

Yesterday we cleaned the entire camper. When we were done cleaning the camper we went to the Reno Automotive Museum. It was a museum with a ton of really old cars. Some of the cars from the 1800s were steam powered and looked like if you flicked them they would fall apart. There was also a DMC Delorean that was plated in gold. There were some old race cars which were cool. One was so low to the ground that it looked like you would not be able to slide a piece of paper under it. After the museum we came home, had pizza, and Andi and I played Wii.

Yesterday in the morning we went to pick Mom up from the airport. After we picked Mom up we came back to the camper and Andi and I rode bikes for a while. When we were done we ate lunch. Then we kind of did nothing until dinner. After dinner we read Harry Potter and went to bed.

Yesterday we drove pretty much all day. We got going pretty early and didn’t stop until dinner time. It was really boring. When we got to our site we read until bed. I forgot to mention that when we were driving we hit a deer and got a big dent.

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