Sunday, January 22, 2017

Setting off on the Great Adventure

Well, we made it out on Friday, January 20, 2017. We left significantly later than we originally intended. The initial plan was to leave around 9:00 am. My dad scheduled gallbladder surgery for that morning, so we decided to wait until he was safely out of surgery and decided to shoot for noon. We were, of course, still running behind. Given the cold Wisconsin weather, we opted not to do much settling in the RV in Wisconsin, instead stowing everything haphazardly in any possible nook and cranny. We hit the road around 1:10 pm (with dad safely on the other side of anesthesia). We had no problems with the roads or traffic, but the late start meant we didn't get very far. We spent the night at a Wal-Mart in Scottsburg, Indiana. We were lucky to find toothbrushes for the evening and had to crawl over boxes to get into bed. 

Saturday went much better in terms of traveling. We got started around 9 and made it to Lake City, Florida at another Wal-Mart. This morning, we were able to shower in the RV because we'd filled up with water at a Florida rest stop. We were still climbing over boxes and could barely find a thing.
However, the weather was definitely improving - it was in the 60s when we hit the road this morning and got up to 82. We made it into Manatee State Park around 1130 and were grateful that our campsite was open. We unhitched the RV and did a bit of unpacking while the kids explored. It is a lovely campground, with small palm tree-like plants everywhere (less than 5 feet tall or so). There is also Spanish Moss on the trees.

We did settle down to attempt to watch the Packers game, but gave up around half-time and dedicated a bit of time to unpacking. We were able to get the kids' room settled and a fair bit of the kitchen items arranged. Dave was able to get the railing up on the bunk bed - this was requested by the children. 

While we aren't intending to eat out very much during the bulk of our journey, we are in no way prepared for cooking yet (and we'd had our fill of packaged snacks and peanut butter sandwiches on the road), so we opted for a dinner out - seafood seemed appropriate. We found a nice place in Sarasota. Andi was happy with her shrimp. Nick had seafood gumbo and Ahi Tuna. I had a mahi dish with capers and Dave has fish tacos. It was delicious.

Tomorrow, we are hoping to get to Fort de Soto Park tomorrow and then meander up the coast to Clearwater. There is a family friendly nightly gathering on the Clearwater beach that looked interesting. We also need to grocery shop so that we can start cooking at home.

We're hoping to get completely settled over the next week or so. At that point, we're going to buckle down and get more serious about the road-schooling. Hopefully the quality, variety, and frequency of posts will improve as well.


  1. So glad to hear you are all finally on your adventure lol. How exciting! Your Blog is great! Foggy Foggy Foggy here. Clear Water is such a cool place been there lots.. love the beaches.. have fun go fishing there lots to do!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have an overall game plan or are you going to wing it? I remember a great drive to NY with my 3 older kids where we lived on gas station M&Ms. (this is Mark S)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a great adventure. Enjoy the warm temps and post when you can. I look forward to following you on your journey. - Marcia F

  5. We're looking forward to following you around the U.S. on your blog. You made a wise choice not to watch the Packers second half. It got worse; brutal!
    Another foggy day.
    Love you and miss you already.

  6. Hi everyone! This is your neighbor, Sandy. Love your blog. You were traveling right along with my daughter's family - they left around 11:00 same day, and rolled into Naples around noon yesterday. I'll send your link to them - so if you hear from the Neumans, you can kibbitz with fellow home-schoolers! Enjoy getting a little more settled. It'll be fun to find your new routines. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to tell you - the lake seems to be thawing - it's full of dark thin spots and no one is even walking on it. So Nick doesn't have to worry that he's missing any ATV'ing!

  8. So nice to get on my computer this morning to see your blog! What a GREAT adventure you are on!! I will live it through you and your blogs! Fog is all we have seen for at least 5 days, so I envy you being in FL. I miss the sun!!! Wendy B.

  9. Looks like Home Sweet Home! Glad you were able to avoid all the bad weather. Sounds like you skipped right past the worst of it. Have a great time. Love, Mom

  10. Ahhhh....miss and missed you already! It was an APIC day. Sounds like a great start to an awesome adventure!

  11. Awesome!!! thank you for the fleet farm lol.. i love the pics and stories..

  12. Hello Andi and the Lau's. We got your card today. Thanks for sending it. We looked at your pictures on your Blog as well. It sounds like you guys are really busy!!! Please keep us posted on how you are doing? We all miss you and the class wants to know where you are headed next and when. Take care! We'll talk to you soon! Mr. T and the class

    1. Hi Mr. Todl! My mom says that getting on the internet has been more difficult than we expected. She thinks we've worked out most of the problems. I am hoping to post more often. She is working on a map to share where we are going and where we have been. I miss the class and you! Andi
