Tuesday, January 31, 2017


A couple of days ago, the toilet broke, so we had to go to Home Depot to get stuff to fix it. After Dad fixed the toilet, we went to a restaurant that was right by our campsite. We all shared an order of gator bites. They were really good. We finished them in less than five minutes they were so good. After we finished the gator bites, we all ordered our main course. I got a teriyaki chicken sandwich. Andi got butterflied shrimp. Mom got crab cakes, and Dad got a cheeseburger. We all liked our food.

JFK quote

Yesterday, we went to Kennedy Space Center. The first thing we saw was a quote by John F Kennedy, “For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peach.” 

Atlantis Space Shuttle

After we read the quote, we went to the Atlantis building. The Atlantis is a space shuttle. The real Atlantis that was in space was on display. It was way bigger than I thought it would be.

Me in the command module

There was also a replica of the cockpit of Atlantis. Andi and I sat in it for a really long time and pretended to fly the plane. 

After we were done pretending to fly the plane we got to go on a flight simulator. It simulated exactly what a flight in a spaceship would feel like. I was a little nervous, but I was mostly excited. It turned out to be really fun. After that we had lunch at the cafĂ©. 

Crawler transporter vehicle that
transports rockets to launch pad
After we had lunch we went on a bus tour and saw where they put the rockets together. It is one of the tallest one story buildings in the world. We also saw the launch pads. The bus dropped us off at a building where we could see the Saturn V rocket they used for the Apollo missions. There were three stages. We also saw the bus that took the astronauts to the ship. We also saw a video about “The Race”. It was about the Russians sending a man into space before us and everyone panicking and then Neil Armstrong going on the moon and winning “The Race”. Then another bus drove us back to the main building. Then we saw a rocket garden which was a bunch of rockets standing up straight. Then we went home and watched Apollo 13.
Andi and I in the Apollo 1 memorial


  1. Hi Nick! It's Aunt Lisa. I love the post. How was your visit to Kennedy Space Center different than your visit to the Johnson Space Center in Houston last summer?
    Also, it was great to talk to you Andi and on Monday. I miss you!

    1. It was different because the one in Houston was not as much of a museum as the one here. It was great to talk to you too.
      Love you and miss you too, Nick

  2. Hi Nick,
    Nice job writing on your blog. Keep up the good work.
    I miss you but we'll see you next week.
    Love, Nana

    1. Thanks! I have enjoyed writing in the blog. Miss you and love you, Nick

  3. sound like you are having lots of fun adventures!!! i wish my family could do the same thing. where are you going next? I can't wait to here more stories!! See you soon!!
    sophie Raimer
