Saturday, January 28, 2017

My Big Long Trip!

Jan 20th 2017 The Start of MY BIG LONG TRIP
Today I went to Lake Forest Oasis. I got Ice cream from the DQ there. It was yummy!! On Jan 19, 2017 (yesterday) my friends threw a party for me! I got lots of cards. I will miss my friends and home! I’m nervous about everything! I am excited to go sledding down the great sand dunes.

Jan. 24 2017 4th day of MY BIG LONG TRIP
A cool shell I found
Yesterday, (January 23, 2017) I went to Fort de Soto, went biking, went to the beach, and went to the Blumettis’ house. First, I went to fort de Soto and had a self guide around the fort. My brother (Nick) and I had a lot of fights with broken palm tree branches we found on the ground. When we got to the beach I kept on asking if I could wear my swimming suit but she kept saying ‘No’.
Palm branch fight

The beach

Jan 25, 2017 6th day of MY BIG LONG TRIP
Today I went to big Cypress and learned about mangroves. First, we drove to the boat launch. Next, we waited for the canoes to get there. Once they did get there we chose a boat. Nick and I sat at the bottom of the boat. It was really screwy. We saw lots of really cool mangroves. Our guide told us that there was three different kinds of mangroves the Red, Black, and White. We stopped a couple of times for the guide to tell us some facts about wild life. We went through a mangrove tunnel. We stopped and the guide told us a story. We kept going and had lunch. We went back the way we came. I tried to catch a crab except I couldn’t find any. We saw mangroves that came up from the water and some came down off another tree. Then we got back to the boat launch. We got off the canoe and helped clean up (at least I did I’m not sure about Nick). Then we went home.

The mangroves

Jan. 26, 2017 7th day of MY BIG LONG TRIP
Today I went to loop road and saw lots (I mean like 50 of them) of alligators. They were all over the place. Some of them were on the bank and some were in the water. We went right over a big (about 9-10 feet long) female (maybe a male) alligator. Farther into the loop we found a baby alligator with big (like one inch) eyes. He (or she) was really cute. But I wouldn’t like to get in a fight with it. We also saw like four maybe two baby alligators on the side of the road.

The baby alligator with big eyes

Then we got out of the loop and headed toward our new campsite. When we got close to our campsite we stopped to check in. Nick noticed a nail stuck in the RV wheel. We got to watch our dad (Dave) fix it except it didn’t stay for too long. Once we got to our campsite we got to ride our bikes around the campsite. I got one scrape and a bloody knee. I screamed and wailed because I didn’t want Bactine. After I finally let mom (Lee Ann) put Bactine on she let Nick and I play our tablets. I played a game called color switch. I was stuck on a level and after a long time I passed the level. I passed one after and now I’m stuck on another! Uh Oh! Then mom told us to change. I got in trouble for walking in on Nick. It took us about ten minutes to get to the astronomy. We came about 1 minute late. There the person talking (Tim was his name) turned the lights out. He told all of the people a tale about the constellations. I got really bored. Ah! Finally it’s the end. We went home and took showers. Nick went first. I went second. Mom went after me and dad went last. Then I wrote in my journal til 10:03. Then I looked at a star book with constellations in it. I can’t believe it’s past my bedtime and mom doesn’t care.

Jan. 27, 2017 8th day of MY BIG LONG TRIP

Today I went to the tropical tree walk. We learned a lot about trees. We learned that there was such thing as a Royal palm tree or the cabbage palm or the coconut palm. Can you believe that? My dad thought I wasn’t paying attention, but oh I was. I was so bored and so worn out and it’s finally the end. We tried to walk at Snake Bight (that’s how it’s spelled bight) but it was too buggy. We drove our car on Bear Lake and found Dagobah. Daddy and I found Yoda’s hut but Nick and Mommy couldn’t find it so we looked for it on the way back. Also on the way back our eraser broke and Nick and I played a dice game with the pieces and forgot to look for Yoda’s hut. Once we got home I made one of Nick’s paper airplanes without Nick’s permission. I thought he was going to be angry, but he said “Good job, Andi. Wanna test it out?” so we had fun testing it out. Then we went biking and couldn’t you guess I got yet another scrape, but this time when mom put Bactine on it I didn’t scream or wail. Mom put a band-aid on it. Then we had dinner.


  1. Andi, I LOVED all your journal entries. What exactly is a mangrove? Is it a tree or a vine. I'm glad you included a picture. That helped, but I'm still not clear what I'm looking at. Also, what do you mean by "screwy" when you were sitting in the canoe? It sounds like you're having lots of adventures already. Love, Grandma Lau

    1. Grandma, thank you for reading my post. A mangrove is a tree that can grow out of brackish water. The roots are like feet. What I meant by 'screwy' is that there were actual screws that I was sitting on. I love you too!

    2. OK then, "screwy" was the perfect description! LOL

  2. Hi Andi, I loved reading your blog too! I just to got Florida today, myself. You are a good writer. I think it's interesting when you share your feelings, like when you were nervous... excited... bored. It will be fun for you to read through these in the future and the memories will all come back to you. Keep up the good work. Your neighbor, Miss Sandy

  3. Oh, one more thing! My kids grew up loving to collect shells on the beach, and my Mom taught us all the names of the different kinds. The little clam-like shell you found is called a coquina (pronounced Ko-KEE-na). Some times there are thousands of live ones on the beach, and when a wave comes through they all stand up on end and quickly burrow down into the sand so the shore birds don't get them. They come in all colors. Have fun!

    1. Thank you for reading my post. I like finding shells too. I thought it was fun to find the coquina shell.

  4. Sorry I meant you should do this more

  5. I loved the baby alligator to that must have been really cool

  6. Also I'm happy you're using our Christmas present we got you sounds like your having fun with it.

    1. I am having fun with my Christmas present. It was really cool to see the baby alligator. It was scary when the alligator growled at us. Andi

  7. Hi Andi It's Caleigh. How are you? It looks like your having a good time. You can tell me all about it when you get home. Stay safe. Bye for now. Caleigh

    1. Caleigh, I am having a lot of fun, just like you said. Did you see the baby alligator we posted? I really liked the card that you gave me when I left. It was cute. Bye! Andi
