Friday, January 27, 2017

The Beginning

Today we left for our Great Adventure at 1:10 pm. We drove for about an hour and then we stopped at the Oasis and got an EZ pass. We also got ice cream at Dairy Queen. We all got an Oreo Royal blizzard. I am very excited to sled down the great sand dunes in Texas. Yesterday my class threw a surprise party for me because it was my last day of school. They taped balloons to my desk and everyone made me a card. I also brought brownies in as a good-bye treat.

Yesterday we went to Fort de Soto. It is an old military Fort. There were really cool cannons and mortars. Andi and I found some branches from palm trees that looked like swords and we had a sword fight. In one of the rooms there was some sort of animal on the ground and we had no clue what it was. We also went to the beach. Andi and I played a game where we let the waves get really close to us and then we sprinted away as fast as we could and tried not to let them touch us. I also looked for shark teeth. The sand was really soft. We also went biking for a long time. The last thing we did is we visited the Blumettis’ new house that they just moved into. It was very nice.

1/25/17 (5th day of trip)
Today we went on a canoe tour in Big Cypress. There were lots of mangroves, which are trees that grow right out of the water. Andi and I sat in the middle on the floor. Dad sat in the back and Mom sat in the front. 
All of us in the canoe
We were hoping to see lots of alligators, but we only saw one swimming in the water. We also saw lots of dead fish and jumping fish. The tour guide told us a story about a guy back in the day who got killed by a cop because instead of paying his workers, he would kill them. After the guide told us the story we went into a mangrove tunnel and it felt really good because it was shaded. After about a half of a hour, the tunnel got even thicker and there was no light at all.

Mangrove tunnel
 After we got out of the tunnel, we stopped at a sand bar to eat lunch. After lunch we headed back. Then we went to a spot where you can see lots of alligators. I saw seven alligators. They were not in cages. Finally, we went back to the camper.

Lots of alligators

Today we went on Loop Road which is a 24 mile long loop. We saw lots of ‘gators and birds. I’ll bet we saw fifty ‘gators, if not more. We also saw a bird that was so camouflaged that I couldn’t see it when I was staring right at it until it moved. We also saw a ‘gator on the shore that was huge. It was about 11-12 feet long. Not long after that, we saw a ‘gator under a bridge that was about 9-10 feet long. Another ‘gator nearby growled at us, and we got back in the car in a hurry.
Alligator under the bridge

Bad day for the tire
We also saw some baby ‘gators on the side of the road that were about 3-4 feet long. After we finished the loop we packed up the camper and drove to the next campsite. On the way we saw a corn field. I had no idea that corn grew in Florida. We also saw a lot of palm tree farms. We also stopped at a visitor center and when I hopped out of the car I heard a weird noise so I walked to where I heard the noise and I found a nail in the tire. Dad patched up the tire, but it didn’t work so we had to use the spare. 

After about 2 hours we got to our campsite and Andi and I rode our bikes around the site. There was a big blade of grass wrapped around Andi’s wheel and it caused her to fall two times before we figured out the problem. Finally, at 7:00, we went to an astronomy program where the ranger told us about all the constellations, planets, and exploding stars in our galaxy.

Today we went on Tropical Tree Walk with a Park Ranger named Mr. Bob. He showed us lots of kinds of trees that only grew in tropical places. They were mostly different kinds of palm trees. My favorite types of trees Mr. Bob showed us are the Gumbo Limbo tree and the Button Wood tree. The Gumbo Limbo tree has a sort of red bark. 
Gumbo Limbo tree with a royal palm to the left

The Button Wood tree had really rough bark and fruit that grew off of it that looked like buttons. During the tree walk we went to a beach to look at trees on far away islands and in that time I found a shark tooth. I couldn’t keep it because it was at a National Park and you can’t take stuff from those. 

Shark Tooth

After we finished the tree walk we went to Bear Lake Trail. There were potholes all over and since our truck was so big we couldn’t avoid them. It was probably the bumpiest road I have ever been on. There was a swamp on both sides of the road. There were so many different kinds of plants that it looked like a different planet. We all agreed that it looked like the planet Dagobah from Star Wars. Dad also saw some mound of dirt that kind of looked like Yoda’s hut (also from Star Wars). After we finished Bear Lake Trail we went back to our campsite and Andi and I went biking for a little while.


  1. Hi Nick. I've been anxiously waiting to read a report from you. Can you tell me more about the animal you couldn't identify? What kind of features can you describe? With all the alligators you're coming across, I hope you're being REALLY careful! They're fast. Sounds like you're off to an exciting start. Looking forward to future posts. Love, Grandma Lau

    1. Thanks for reading my post! When I saw the animal I couldn't identify it was kind of dark and all I could make out was a long tail, four legs and a skinny body. It was way too small to be an alligator. Love you too!!

    2. I wonder if it was a racoon? The racoons in Florida are small and skinny, different than Wisconsin ones. I enjoyed reading your blog, Nick. You added a different perspective after reading Andi's that was very interesting. I wonder if the mound of dirt was a giant ant hill. They have those here. Be careful of fire ants! Keep up the good work!

    3. Maybe it was a salamander or a newt. Sounds like it didn't have fur. Hmmm, a mystery! Grandma

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pretty Awesome Guys! I like your hats too!

    1. Hi Uncle Ryan! We haven't been able to get on the internet very easily but we figured it out so we will be posting more often. Love you and miss you.

  4. Hi Nick it's Cayden Courtier. How are you? It looks like you are having a good time. Yesterday at school it was our kindness retreat. There were kids from Allenton Elementary that came to Addison for the retreat. You had to write down if you were ever rude to a student or teacher and then you could share it in front of everyone. You also had to thank someone in your class and I thanked Gavin G. We also go to dance at the retreat. It was fun. Then we went out for recess and then it was Carolyn's b-day. She brought in vanilla or chocolate cake ice cream cones with a cherry on top. It was very good. Tomorrow I have to go to Futsal and then we are going to go see the Batman Lego movie. I liked seeing the pictures of the alligators. Where are you going next? Stay safe and keep having fun. Your friend Cayden Courtier.

    1. Hey Cayden! Sounds like you're having fun. How's school going. I miss you!

  5. hi nick it is sophie raimer from school. sounds like you're having a great time on your adventure! at school on friday we had our kindness retreat. The fourth grade from allenton came.It was alot of fun.we danced,sang and did diffrent activities also we had our valentines party! we have been missing you. see you soon
    sophie Raimer

    1. Sounds like fun! How's school? I miss you guys too.

  6. Hi Nick, this is Emory from school. Your trip looks like it has been fun. Where are you going next?

    1. Hi Emory. My trip has been very fun. We don't know exactly where we are going next. From Nick

  7. hi nick you know who I am I think your posts are great and keep on posting sounds like your dad had troubles with the tire take care love, brogan

  8. ps your mom is in our house for dinner and macie broke an ice pack and your mom got to see my forensics board (after school activity with school program)I miss you love again, brogan

    1. How did Macy break the ice pack? Did she bite it. Miss you too. From Nick

  9. hi nick it is macy. i hope you are having a great trip. see you soon


    1. Hey Macy. I am having a great trip. See you soon.

  10. Hello Nick, you don't who I am. I hope you have a great year And a half trip. See you in 5th grade. I am moving from Mexico to Wisconsin and I will be in your grade.

    1. Hi do you speak Spanish? My family is trying to learn Spanish on our trip. From Nick

    2. I look forward to meeting you. From Nick

  11. Hey Nick! It is Gavin Gartzke. How is your trip? Fun? I bet! You and your family are so lucky that you got to do this. Not to brag or anything, (there is nothing really to brag about since you went on this awesome trip) but yesterday was Elizabeths birthday. She brought girlscout cookies. Smores and Thanks-A-Lots. They were really good. Lately, I have been hanging out with Lukas, Gavin B, Makena, Chase, Cayden C, and Adrian. After the kindness retreat, me and Adrian have been really nice to each other. Please reply. I'd love to talk to you again. Thanks, and have a great rest of your trip! See you in fifth grade!

    1. My trip is going great. The cookies sound delicious. I'm glad to hear that you and Adrian are getting along.
      See you in fifth grade!
