Friday, March 31, 2017

Washington DC - fourth week - Andi

Mar 24 2017
Yesterday I went to the African American Museum. We saw the music crossroads. I saw a lot of the suits that the people wore. I saw the sports exhibit. I found a ton of things about the Harlem Globetrotters. We went down a floor and I found a dance game. I loved it. I couldn’t stop playing it. Then we went outside and had lunch. Then we got back in and went down to the boring part. Then we got kicked out and went home and played with Sean and his brother and sister. There was also a kid named Toby that we played with. Then we went home and had dinner. Then we did blogging and went to bed.

Mar 25 2017
Andi's Marine Corps Souvenir
Yesterday I went to the Marine Corps museum. It was a well made museum. We saw how they stood to get on the bus to boot camp. I heard a couple of examples of the drill instructor and how they acted. They were really hard on people. Then I did a little test to see if I was a good marine corps. I was not. Then we had lunch. Then we looked at pictures of people getting their families back. Then we went back to the other place that we were before. I played a fishing game for babies. Then I did the discovery cart. I got to try on a suit and a hat. There is a picture in here somewhere. Then we saw a guy shooting at us from a boat and we fake surrendered. Then I went to Chesty’s Corner. It’s a little kid’s area. I colored a picture there. Then I saw a record of the president’s own band. Then I went through a jungle with videos about how the marines survived there. Then we saw a video about bonds and stamps. Then we saw another video about the marines turning their tanks into boats. Then we saw a video of a school group learning about the Marine Corps. Then we saw the monument of the soldiers. Then we went home and had dinner and Iron Man with three cookies.

Mar 26 2017
Yesterday we went to the IHOP (International house of pancakes). Then we went to great falls national park. It took us about 2 hours to get in. Then once we got in we went to a couple lookout areas. We were about to go on a trail when we found a couple people tight roping. They asked us if we wanted to and I said yes but Nick said no. But then right when I got on, Nick said okay I’ll go.  Then we said thank you and went on the trail. When we were on the trail we saw a guy kayaking. Then we went home. Nick and I went biking and found out that three was a camp fire in the campfire circle. Nick and I set up a little tent. Then we had dinner and went to the campfire circle while mom and dad talked to the people next door.

Mar 27 2017
Yesterday Nick and I made breakfast. Then we did math. After that we went to Fort McHenry. We saw the flagpole that the flag was on that Francis Scott Key saw. We went in a part of the living space and saw a short video. We also got a tour and saw the officers sleeping quarters. We saw the overground magazine and the underground magazine. Then we went to the store and got some stuff. Then we went back out and saw the ranger take the old flag down and put the new flag up. Then we went home and had homemade pizza. Then we had these cone things. They were like smores in a cone with candy and then you wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the coals of the fire and when you think it’s done you take it out and take the yumminess out and gobble it up. Then we read Harry Potter for a while.

JFKs grave with the eternal flame

Mar 28 2017
Yesterday I went to Arlington National Cemetery. We saw people over and almost 100 years old! We saw President John F. Kennedy’s grave. It had a nice warm fire that made it even hotter. We saw more graves and then we saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We went to Quarterdeck and got crab. The Carbonaro Effect was on. Then we went home and had dinner. We also played with our friends.

Mar 29 2017
Yesterday we waited in line for tickets for the infinity mirrors. Then we went to Ford’s Theater. That’s where Abraham Lincoln got assassinated. Then we went to the infinity mirrors. We saw a lot of art. We saw mirror boxes. Mirror boxes are boxes that have a platform that you walk on and there is stuff around you and the mirrors around the stuff, and it looks like there is infinity of anything that goes in them. Then we went home and played with our friends and had smore cones.

Mar 30 2017
Yesterday it was Daddy’s birthday. We let him choose where he wanted to go. He chose the American History Museum. We went to the Civil War stuff. We saw a drawing of how Abraham Lincoln looks in heaven. Then we saw mansions of the olden days. They were like two stories high. That’s huge for the olden days. Then we saw a video about the civil war and then went to the store and let Daddy choose his birthday ice cream. It was moose tracks. We had dinner then had moose tracks then read Harry Potter.

Mar 31 2017

Yesterday I went to the portrait gallery. We saw moving pictures. The rest of the museum I didn’t think was very interesting. Then we went geocaching. Nick found the first geo cache. The next one no one found. Then we went home and had dinner and read Harry Potter.


  1. Hi Andi,
    I love your dog tag.
    Miss you and love you. Nana

  2. Really cool mirrors, it is too bad we didn't get to see them. Nick, what test did you take that made you decide you were not a good Marine? Miss you guys.
