Monday, March 6, 2017

Washington DC - first week - Andi

Bureau of Printing
and Engraving
Mar. 1, 2017
Today I went on the metro train for the first time. Once we got out of the metro we walked about 8 blocks to get to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving place. That is where they made money (paper money). They make $850,000,000 a year. The bills they used to make are $500, $1000, $5000, $10,000, and $100,000. Then we saw D.C. After that we played on the playground. Then we had dinner and went shopping.

Children's Chapel

March 2, 2017
Today we went to the metro. Then we got off and on another one. Then once we got off we went to the cathedral. It’s the 6th biggest in the world. We saw the children’s chapel. It had organs that children played. The children didn’t preach. Then we went to sermon. It was so boring. Then we saw the place where the priests would change. After that we met the pastor. The church had 10,000 pipes. Some as small as a pencil and some big enough for a full grown adult to fit through. Then we took the metro to the Fibonacci playground. Then we went home and had dinner and watched Storks!

Mar. 4, 2017
Yesterday we went to the Rayburn Building. I thought we were always on the same floor. We went to Mr. Sensenbrenner’s Office. Then we went to the zoo. We saw the reptiles and the apes. The apes would be right over your head in the summer. We saw alligators. Then we saw the snakes. One snake was moving like crazy! We saw a turtle that was four feet long, 3 feet tall. The head was the size of a small dinner plate. Then we saw the lions and tigers. After that we saw the bison. Then we saw the think tank. We saw a baby monkey that couldn’t sit still. We played a game called language. Here’s how you play. Somebody makes a shape and has to tell the other how to make it. We played a couple games of that and left the think tank. Then we went home and had dinner.

George Washington's Tomb

Today I went to the airport to pick Nana and Granddad up. Then we went to Mount Vernon. That’s George Washington’s house. First, we went on the tour of his house. Then we saw the smoke house. After that we went to the spinning house. Then we saw the horse stables. Then we saw where they put the horse dung (poop). After that we saw Mr. Washington’s grave. I saw the slaves’ grave and found the last word of my puzzle. Then we went to Gadsby’s for dinner with Nana and Granddad and slept with them.

Dinner with Nana and Granddad at Gadsby's

Mar. 5, 2017
Today we went to the Smithsonian Castle. It was really boring. Then we went to the Botanical Garden. We saw lots of cool plants. Then we went to the Postal Museum. It was boring except two things. There was a front of a semi that kids could drive. And the train with a post office in it. You got to sort, post, and stamp letters. Then we met Officer Dqqki. Then we had dinner.
the Postal Museum with Nana and Nick

Jefferson Memorial

Mar. 6, 2017

Today I went to the Holocaust Museum. That’s the murdering of the Jews. I went through the Children’s part so that I wouldn’t have to see gross stuff. It was a story about how a boy named Daniel survived the Holocaust. It was very sad. His mother and sister got murdered. Then I wrote two cards to Daniel. After that we went to the Washington Memorial. We couldn’t go in. Then we went to the Jefferson Memorial. It was a big dome. It had lots of pillars and a 19 foot tall statue of Thomas Jefferson in the middle.


  1. Hi Andi,
    We had so much fun with you in D.C. We enjoyed all the sights with you and were glad you stayed with us in the hotel. Love, Nana

    1. Nana, I'm glad I stayed with you in the hotel too! Love, Andi
