Tuesday, February 28, 2017

End of February - Yorktown 2/28/2017

Dave, Nick, and Andi on a Redoubt,
which is a defensive position
Today we went to Yorktown Battlefield. That is where the British surrendered in the Revolutionary War. Before we went there I had no clue the French helped us. One of the most interesting things I learned in the museum is that the Americans attacked a fort with unloaded guns and they just used their bayonets which are knives attached to the end of a gun. They did that so the soldiers would rush in faster and it worked. They won the battle. Then we packed up our camper and drove to Washington D.C. The campsite in D.C. was nice and we were the only ones there. Finally we had shepherd’s pie for dinner.

Today we went to Yorktown. We read a lot of signs and saw lots of cannons. There were bumpy hills that I ran up. We also saw a hill with point spikes coming out of it. Then we got going to Washington D.C. once we got to our campsite Nick and I went to the playground. Then we had dinner.
Lau family at Yorktown with General George Washington