Monday, February 20, 2017

Skidaway and Fort Pulaski


Two days ago, it was really rainy so we didn’t do anything in the morning except play Monopoly. I won. After it cleared up a little, Andi and I rod our bikes to the playground and played there for a while. Then we went to the library to update all of our games. We also uploaded a video of me on YouTube for a homeschooling project. After that we picked up Mom from the airport in Atlanta. Finally, we got Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

Yesterday we hiked up Stone Mountain. It was the first time Mom hiked up with us and for some reason it took us longer than usual. Then we left our campsite to go to the next one. On the way we stopped at Whistle Stop Café and got fried green tomatoes. I did not like them but Mom and Dad loved them. We didn’t quite make it to our campsite so we stayed at a Walmart for the night.
Today we arrived at our next campsite in Skidaway State Park. Then we went on a trolley tour of Savannah which showed us lots of mansions. During the tour we stopped at a park and ate lunch. There was a playground that Andi and I played on. We also stopped at an old church that was huge. I did not like the tour in general. Then Andi and I rode our bikes for a while and checked out a few playgrounds in the campsite.


Yesterday we went running in the morning. It was pretty cold outside. Then Dad and I went to a Lost Prevention talk which was about how to not get lost in the woods and if you do, what you should do. The person that was doing the talk said you should carry a bag with a whistle, a candle, a garbage bag, matches, a sugar mint, bright fabric, and two band-aids when you are hiking. The whistle could help people hear you if you get lost. The candle you could burn green leaves to make smoke. The matches would light the candle. With the garbage bag, you rip a hole in it for your head and it would keep you warm and dry. The sugar mint would give you a little energy. The bright fabric you can tie to a tree and it stands out so people can find you. The band-aids, well you know what band-aids do. 

After the talk we went to Fort Pulaski. We went on a guided tour. It was really fun. We learned about the prison in Fort Pulaski. We also learned about the Sallyport, which is the door (Sallyport is French for main door). We also learned about the Demilune, which is an island that’s inside the moat. There is a bridge that goes onto the Demilune and then another one that goes to the Sallyport, so people trying to break in have to get through two bridges while getting shot at. The Demilune is a triangle. Demilune is French for half moon. The fort was built by a French man, so that is why there are so many French words. In the walls there were little slits that shotguns could shoot through. Fort Pulaski was used in the Civil War. The last thing we saw was the destruction from when Fort Pulaski was attacked. You could still see cannon shells in the wall. Finally, we went home and had dinner.
Destroyed wall of Fort Pulaski


Yesterday we woke up and we went running. I ran about 2 miles. Then we came back to the camper and ate breakfast. Then we did some home schooling. I mostly did math. Then we had lunch. After lunch someone came over to our door and it happened to be the mom of some kids in the cabin right next to us. She said that their kids were too shy to ask to play, so she asked for them. We said yes and we went over to play with them. Their names were Jacob and Mikah. Jacob was 10 and Mikah was 7. We played tag, hide and seek, freeze tag, lava monster, and man hunt. We played all those games until about 8:30. Then we went back to their cabin and had smores.

Today I woke up early and saw our friends from yesterday so I asked my mom if we could play and she said yes. We played five hundred with a football and then we switched to a Frisbee. Then Mikah and Jacob rented bikes. Jacob and I went to the park and played football for a while. After we were done playing football, we went to his cabin and ate sandwiches for lunch. After lunch Jacob and I spied on some random people for a while and then we played walkie talkie tag on our bikes. Walkie talkie tag is where two people have walkie talkies and one counts to 70 and the other hides. Then the person that is hiding keeps moving and gives clues to where they are. The person that was counting tries to catch them. When we were done playing I went back to my camper and he went to his cabin. Then just my family cooked hot dogs over a campfire. After we were done with hot dogs we cooked smores with our friends. 

Andi and I enjoying the fire


  1. So, Nick, did you make an emergency kit for yourself and Andi when you got back home? What good friends you were to Mikah and Jacob. I'll bet they're glad their mom asked for them to play with you! Sounds like you filled two solid days with them. Love, Grandma Lau

    1. No we didn't make a emergency kit. It was really nice to have someone else to talk to for a change. We did fill two solid days with Mikah and Jacob, and it was really fun. Love, Nick

  2. what is your YouTube channel called?

    1. We're having some trouble with my account right now. I tell you when we fix it.

  3. I wish you were here in slinger!
    It looks really FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

