Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fort Sumter


Two days ago we ran in the morning again. Then we drove to Half Way Creek campsite because the one we wanted to go to, Buck Hall, wasn’t available. Then we cleaned the camper because it was a mess. After that we did some math for home-schooling. Then we ate dinner and went to bed.

Fort Sumter
Yesterday we ran in the morning as usual. Then we moved to Buck Hall. After that we went to Fort Sumter which is from the Civil War. The most interesting thing I learned was that when the fort was attacked the walls collapsed which made them thicker so it was better protected. Then we went home and did some school.

Today we ran in the morning. Then we went to the Charles Pinckney Museum. He fought in the Revolutionary War and he helped write the Constitution. We became Junior Rangers which I hate doing but my mom makes me. Then we went to the beach and swam for a while. Finally we did some school and had homemade pizza.


Yesterday we went running in the morning again. Then we had eggs and hashbrowns. Next we packed up the camper and started to drive to our new campsite. On the way we stopped at a rest stop that had a playground and I was about to go on the swings but then my knee started hurting really bad so I went back to the camper and sat down. Then we started driving again. We didn’t make it to our campsite so we stayed at a Walmart parking lot. The Walmart was in a city called Zebulon. After we stopped, my Uncle Jon came and we had dinner at San Jose. It was Mexican and everyone loved the food. Then we went back to the camper and played a game called Cover Your A$$ets with Uncle Jon.

First Landing Beach
Today we drove to First Landing State Park. We learned that in 1607 the first English settlers came to America and landed in Virginia. They came on three ships called Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. Then we went and walked on the beach the English settlers landed on. We also saw 8 or 9 really cool military ships in the bay. The water was freezing and your feet would start hurting in about 20 seconds. Then we went to Jamestown Historic Site. It was where the first permanent English settlement was located. We saw an old church. A really cool thing we learned is that the English were starving so they started to eat each other they were so hungry. Then we had stuffed peppers for dinner and watched Back to the Future 3.

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