Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stone Mountain and Alexander Hamilton


Yesterday I ran in the morning with my Mom for just over a mile. After Mom and I got back from running we packed up camp and drove to our next camp site, Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia. We unhitched the RV when we got to Stone Mountain. Then we took Mom to the airport so she could go home. She is flying home once a month for five days to work. After we dropped Mom off at the airport we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. One of the employees just walked up to us and asked us if we wanted a free vanilla shake. We said yes and Andi and I split it. After lunch we finished setting up camp. Finally, we ate pizza for dinner and watched a movie.

Free is always better
Today Dad, Andi, and I all ran together. We ran 1.2 miles. After we ran we went mini-golfing for about one hour. We all got one hole in one. After mini-golf we went on a sky tram to the top of Stone Mountain. We could see lots of big cities from the tram. When we got to the top of the Mountain we could see Atlanta. We hiked down the mountain and surprisingly it did not take very long. After we hiked down Stone Mountain we went to a museum that was about the mountain. It was really cool. We went shopping to get supplies for a project I’m doing in home schooling. Finally, we had dinner and watched a movie.


Yesterday we hiked up Stone Mountain in the morning instead of running. It took about an hour and 10 minutes. After we hiked the Mountain we went to Snow Land which is a little area where they make snow because in Georgia snow is a big deal. There was a snow sprayer that was supposed to shoot out snow, but since it was so warm, the snow was all ice chunks and I got hit in the face with one. When we were done with Snow Land, we went sledding down a giant hill on tubes. There was a moving sidewalk that got you to the top of the hill. You could go in a single person tube, a double person tube, or you could go on a family tube which could hold six people. My favorite was the family tube because it was heavier, so you went way faster. We went tubing for two hours. Then, when we were done tubing we went back to the camper and started a campfire. After the campfire was going good, we got out some hot dogs and roasted them over the fire. They were really good. We also cooked baked beans in the fire and they were good too. Finally we cooked smores over the fire and went to bed.

My autobiography school project
about Alexander Hamilton
Today we hiked up the mountain again but this time it didn’t take us as long. After we got back from the hike I worked on a school project until lunch. We had macaroni for lunch. After lunch we went to the library because it had internet. At the library we updated all of our games on our tablets. After we got back from the library we had tacos for dinner. Finally, we had another campfire and smores.


Today we woke up and ate cereal for breakfast. After we had breakfast, we went to the Georgia Aquarium. We stayed there pretty much the whole day. Some of my favorite things were the Baluga Whales. We got to see live Balugas swimming around in a tank. They were really fast. They’re called Balugas because beluga is Russian for white. We also saw a manta ray which is a type of sting ray. It was 26 feet from wing tip to wing tip. We also saw a dolphin show which was amazing. The dolphins could jump really high. They could also do flips. We sat in the splash zone, but we didn’t get wet. We also saw a short Ice Age show that was 4D. 4D is where everything pops out at you, but there’s also smell and if it’s raining in the video it rains for real life. Then we went home and had a pizza party.


  1. Hi Nick,

    All your details about Stone Mountain makes me want to visit that area some time.
    Your mom showed me your Alexander Hamilton project. That is very impressive - nice job!
    Sounds like the aquarium was pretty cool. The only aquarium I've been to is the one in Chicago. I don't recall that they have whales at that one.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love, Nana

    1. Thanks. The Alexander Hamilton project was fun.
      Love Nick

  2. Hi Nick,

    Your vanilla shake sure looked good! Nice to share with Andi!

    Aunt Judy

  3. Hi Nick,
    Can you tell me who those guys are on Stone Mountain and why they're important? Glad you explained what 4D meant. I was wondering when Andi mentioned it and now it makes sense (adding smell and/or feeling rain in addition to the pop-out feature). I saw your Alexander Hamilton report too - good job. Your Mom and Dad are sure keeping you busy. Home will seem really boring when you get back.

    Grandma Lau

    1. The main person was General Robert E Lee and he was a general in the Revolutionary War.
      Love Nick
