Thursday, February 9, 2017

Settling in to the new routine


Yesterday we went running in the morning. I ran 1.73 miles with Mom. Mom also did laundry while Andi and I studied US History. We studied for about an hour. I also went biking for a while. At night we had a camp fire. We cooked Tilapia over the fire. It was delicious.

Today we ran in the morning again. Then we drove to our campsite and tried to watch the Super Bowl but the signal was bad. The Patriots won against the Falcons in overtime.

2/8/2017 20th day of Great Adventure

A couple of days ago we went running on the beach. Then, when we finished running, we went to play on the beach. The water was really cold, but it felt really good. We played on the beach almost the whole day. At about noon, we went back to the camper to eat lunch. After we ate lunch, we went on a bike ride. 

Yesterday we played on the beach again in the morning until lunch time. Then we showered and went to the library and I studied for a project for our homeschooling. We stayed at the library for the entire afternoon. After the library we went back to the camper and ate dinner. 

Today we went running in the morning again. Then we hitched up the RV and we went to dump the tanks but they were clogged and it took dad two hours to fix it. We started driving to our new campsite right away. It took us five hours to get to our new campsite. We stopped at a Burger King for lunch. After we got to the new campsite we hooked up and did some education.


Today we went running about 2 miles to an old war prison from the Civil War. Then we ran back to the camper. When we got back to the camper we ate breakfast. After we had breakfast Andi and I played a board game until lunch. After lunch we went back to the Andersonville Prison. At the prison we learned about the deadline, which is a gate right in front of the outer wall and if a prisoner touched it they got shot by snipers. The only place the prisoners had to drink from was the same stream they went to the bathroom in. There was also a museum about the prison that we looked at briefly. Some of the people that made it out of prison were so skinny that you could see their ribs and all their joints. On the way back to the camper we stopped at the Civil War village and there was a swing hanging from a tree and we took turns having Dad push us. Finally, we walked back to the camper and had dinner.


  1. Hi Nick, You are really going to be in good shape with all the running and biking you're doing. Keep up the good work. The next time you run a race, you'll probably take first place.
    You're lucky your dad is so handy to fix the tanks!
    See you soon. Love, Nana

    1. You're right, we are lucky my dad can fix the tanks. We won't be able to run in D.C. because we have to get up so early in the morning.
      Can't wait to see you in a few days
      Love Nick

  2. Hi Nick and Andi,

    Wow! Does it sound like you are having a great time, seeing and doing a lot of interesting and exciting things on your Great Adventure.
    Your visit to the Kennedy Space Center must have been great and based on your description you had lots of Fun. That coupled with your October visit to the Manned Space Flight center in Houston, Texas must have given both of you a very good overview of the space program and you have learned lot about rockets, space and what it is like to live on the ISS(International Space Station)! Here is a question for both of you to think about: Is there gravity while the astronauts are on board the ISS?
    Can wait to see both of you in a few days!
    Love, Granddad

    1. We are having a great time! We had a great time in the Kennedy Space Center and we learned a lot. I'll think about your question and tell you my answer in a few days.
      See you in a few days
      Love Nick

  3. I like to see all that exercise too! Learning about the civil war is awesome. I always wanted to go Andersonville. I want to know more so you will have to teach me.

    1. I like running in the morning but we can't run in D.C. because we have to get up so early. The Civil War was awesome. I will tell you all I know.
      See you in a bit
      Love Nick
