Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Hiking up Stone Mountain

Feb. 9, 2017

Today I went running and ran all the way over to the prison park in Andersonville Georgia. We ran back and had breakfast. Then we went over to prison park (again). We learned lots of cool things. The deadline and the prison (as you can guess there’s a big prison, that’s why it’s called prison park). Then we saw lots of graves of the soldiers that died. Then we got milk (not from the cows next door). A bit more about the prison. The deadline is a place that if anybody touches it they die because people shoot them. Many people are so skinny they looked like skeletons that are alive because they don’t get very much food.

Feb. 11, 2017

Mini golfing
Today I ran 1.2 miles. Then I had breakfast and lost my tooth. Then I went mini-golfing. I was really lucky. I got one in on my first try. Also one time there were two holes; one was bad and one was good. I got it in the good one (Nick and Daddy got it in the bad one). Then I went on a sky tram and saw the carving (there was a carving in the mountain) up close. I got to walk on the top of the mountain. I hiked down. It took about 30 minutes to get down. Then we went to the museum. Then we watched a movie and had dinner.

Yesterday, I packed up camp and left for Stone Mountain Campground. Then once we got there we unhitched and took mom to the airport. We said goodbye and went to chick-fil-a for lunch. We went home and had dinner and watched a movie. (We learned that mom got paid $400 to go on a later flight).

Feb. 13, 2017

Andi walking across the rocks
on the top of Stone Mountain
Yesterday I hiked up Stone Mountain. Then we went to snow land and got ice chunks pelted at us (since people in Georgia don’t get snow they thought it was fun). Then we went sledding and it was awesome. There was a tube that could fit all of us and a tube that could fit two of us and a tube that could fit one of us. We went down the family tube and then went down the singles and doubles. They went so fast. The last two we went down the family one and actually got the last two since it was so quick. Then we went home and had a campfire and played a game of Cover Your Assets.

Today I hiked up the mountain. Then Nick did his Alexander Hamilton work. We had macaroni for lunch when he was done. Then we went to the library and updated our tablets. Then we had tacos for dinner, then had smores.
Money Eyes
Stone Mountain Carving 

Feb. 14, 2017

Today I woke up and played my tablet for a while. Then we went to the aquarium. It was so much fun. We saw a 4D show called “No time for nuts”. It was so funny! We saw a dolphin show. It was really cool! Then we went home and I played my tablet (again). We had a pizza party in our jammies.


  1. Hey Andi!
    I'm glad you're having so many cool adventures. I'm also very excited you're running further. When are you guys going to do your first 5K race? I guess the better question is, do you like running? What's your favorite thing about running? I love you!

    1. Aunt Lisa, I am also excited that I'm running farther. We haven't really been running lately because of all of the visitors. The answer to your question is No, I do not like running. My favorite thing about running is that I can get it done with. I love you too! Andi

  2. Hi Andi,
    You are learning SO MUCH history! When you cover the Civil War in school (even in high school) the lessons are going to be so much more meaningful because you've actually walked in the places you'll be studying. Lucky girl! Say hi to Nick and your Mom and Dad.

    Grandma Lau

    1. Hi Grandma! When I cover the Civil War I'll be telling them things that they weren't expecting me to say. I said hi to everybody. Love, Andi
