Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fort Sumter and General Anderson

Feb. 23, 2017

Two days ago we drove to Half Way Creek because Buck Hall wasn’t available. Then once we got there we cleaned the camper. I cleaned the windows. Then we did some school work.

Andi hugging a cannon at Fort Sumter
Yesterday I ran on the trail that was by our campsite. Then we moved to Buck Hall. Once we were settled in Nick and I drove Nick’s remote control car. We did funny tricks. Then we went to Fort Sumter in the car. I lost my tooth! Then we got on the ferry that took us to the fort. Once we go to the fort there was a ranger telling stuff about the fort. A bit about what he told us: A guy named General Anderson snuck out of Fort Moultrie and went toward Fort Sumter (the fort that we went to) wanting to take over and he did, but a little while later he had to surrender.

Andi and Nick getting their
Junior Ranger badges at the
Charles Pinckney Museum

Today I ran. Then Nick and I played with his remote control car. It wasn’t working so Nick had to fix it. Then we went to Charles Pinckney museum. We had a job to find a ring and the olden day penny. I found the ring right away. The olden day penny does not look anything like it does today. It’s way bigger. Then we became junior rangers. We went outside and saw the rice trunk. It’s not actually supposed to hold rice, it just makes salt water into fresh water. Then we had lunch. After that we went to the beach. Then we ate dinner.

Feb. 25, 2017

Yesterday I went running without daddy. Then I took a shower. After that we ate Mommy’s great breakfast. Then we sat in the car for half the day. Then we ate dinner with Uncle Jon. After dinner we played Cover Your A$$ets with him before he left. He was the first person to be in our camper on this trip.

Tiny church at Jamestown
Today I went to First Landing State Park. John Smith was first to land on a boat. First Landing State Park is where they landed. That’s how it got its name. The ships were called Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. Then we went to the beach that he landed on. The water was freezing. Then we went to the Jamestown historical site. We didn’t stay long because a storm was coming. Then we went home and had dinner and watched Back to the Future 3. A little more about Jamestown. The people there had to eat other people because it was so hard to find food. They also got hunted down by Indians. The church they had was tiny. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andi,

    Nice update. It's good to hear from you again. Could you do me one favor? When you describe where you are (your campsite) could you include a nearby town or city? I have no idea where the campgrounds are located and haven't been able to follow your route very well. Love you all.

    Grandma Lau
