Tuesday, February 28, 2017

End of February - Yorktown 2/28/2017

Dave, Nick, and Andi on a Redoubt,
which is a defensive position
Today we went to Yorktown Battlefield. That is where the British surrendered in the Revolutionary War. Before we went there I had no clue the French helped us. One of the most interesting things I learned in the museum is that the Americans attacked a fort with unloaded guns and they just used their bayonets which are knives attached to the end of a gun. They did that so the soldiers would rush in faster and it worked. They won the battle. Then we packed up our camper and drove to Washington D.C. The campsite in D.C. was nice and we were the only ones there. Finally we had shepherd’s pie for dinner.

Today we went to Yorktown. We read a lot of signs and saw lots of cannons. There were bumpy hills that I ran up. We also saw a hill with point spikes coming out of it. Then we got going to Washington D.C. once we got to our campsite Nick and I went to the playground. Then we had dinner.
Lau family at Yorktown with General George Washington

Monday, February 27, 2017

Colonial Williamsburg (Feb 26 and 27)

Governor’s Palace

Governor's Palace
Andi: We got a guided tour and we saw a lot of cool things. Like the parlor. Did you know it has 504 swords and guns? Then we went to the Governor’s bedroom. Then we learned that the Governor’s wife had an entertaining room. They had sisters. One of them would play the piano and the other would sing or dance. Then we saw the guest bedroom. After that we saw the sisters’ bedroom. Then we saw the ballroom. First, the Governor and his wife would dance from one end of the room to the other. Two instruments would be playing. One was called the chest organ and the other was called a harpsichord. The main color was blue (German blue). Then we went to the summer room. It was a lime green. The people ate there when they were getting hungry at the ball. Then we got outside and went in the underground cellar.
Front parlor showing some of the
504 swords and guns in the room

Nick: In Colonial Williamsburg we went on a tour of the Governor’s Palace. In the Governor’s Palace we saw the parlor which is the entrance hall. It was decorated with 504 swords and guns hanging on the wall. Then we went and saw the Governor’s bedroom. He had a queen size bed but it looked tiny because the room was so big. Then we went into the guest room. It also had a queen bed but it looked normal because the room was smaller. Then we went into the bedroom for two of the sisters. They shared a room with their governess. She slept in a small bed in the corner of the room. I don’t think I would like sharing a room with two other people. Then we went into the ballroom. In the ballroom there was an instrument called the harpsichord which is very similar to a piano. There was also an instrument called the chest organ which is an organ disguised to look like furniture. There were also some really cool chandeliers and they looked like they were made out of crystal but they were actually glass. That really surprised me because the Governor was really wealthy. Then we went into the room that the people ate in while they were doing the ball.

Governor’s Kitchen
Andi: Then we got to the kitchen. I thought it was the black smith.

Nick: In the kitchen we saw a bunch of meals that they cooked. One of them was a soup that the chef said was real, but I picked up the pot and tipped it a little and nothing moved.


Andi: Then we went to the wheelwright. The people that worked there were making a wheelbarrow.

Nick: The wheelwright is where they make wood carriages and wheelbarrows and lots of other stuff. While we were in there they were making a wheelbarrow. It was really fun to watch. They were making the bottom of the wheelbarrow when we got in. There was a taken apart carriage in the room right across from us. The main piece that runs down the middle was on a table.

Bruton Church 

Bruton Church with the
boxes for sitting in
Andi: The sanctuary had doors. Two rows of seats in every little room. The doors were to keep the heat in. They would bring heated blocks and they would let people in and then close the doors. Also there were no kids until they were 10. The pastor had to go up a spiral staircase to get to the pulpit.

Nick: It was the only church in Williamsburg. In that church, kids under the age of ten didn’t go to church because they had to do chores. There were little boxes that people would sit in. The walls were about three feet high. They would bring heated bricks in and close the door and the walls would keep the heat in. They did not have heating or air conditioning.


Andi: He’s the one who makes whatever clothes you want. You can pick whatever pattern, color, or buttons you want. They also send clothes to museums around the world.

Nick: Then we went to the tailor. It is where all the clothes were made and sold. There were about fifty bolts of fabric on the walls. There were tons of colors and different kinds of fabrics. There were also lots of buttons that looked really cool. They also made clothes for museums all over the world.


Andi: He made all the shoes out of leather.

Nick: He made all the shoes entirely out of leather. It took him two days to make one pair of shoes.


Andi: They had a big loom. She was making fabric for people at the store. She was using something called a shuttle. She would push it back and forth. Then she would take one part of the loom and pound it. That was supposed to keep the thread tight. Then we went over to where another girl was making another curtain. It was a different pattern and had different colors.

Nick:  They were making fabric on huge looms. I don’t remember the names of the parts but there were four bars with string wrapped around them. Then the person working the loom would push pedals which would move the bars and that would put different patterns in the fabric. Before all of that the person working the loom would push a block of wood in between the fabric and it would have a string attached to it. The string would go through the middle and the person working the loom would push that string up to the rest of the fabric. When we were in there they had 18 yards of fabric.

Geddy House

Andi: That’s where Mr. Geddy lives. There were toys there. There was also a weight and silver. I was weighing silver and Dad said “Stop!” I felt sad.

Nick: Mr. Geddy and his family lived there. He also had a shop right next to his house. In his shop he sold silver things. People would give him silver coins and we would turn it into something cool for them. His bedroom was connected to his shop so if someone robbed him he could catch them right away. I also saw a bunch of old toys in the Geddy House. One of them is where you have a sitck with a string attached to the stick. On the other end of the string there was a wooden ball with a hold in it. You have to try to get the ball stuck on the stick using one hand.

Geddy Foundry

Andi: That’s where Mr. Geddy made metal. We got to shave flakes off spoons.

Nick: Then we went to the foundry which is where Mr. Geddy makes all of his silver things. In the foundry, they were melting pewter which is a type of metal. It melted and cooled so easily that right when he dumped the spoonful of pewter on the table it hardened instantly. When he threw it in the pot, it turned to liquid instantly. Some stuff he made were spoons, an axe blade, and a fancy candle stick. Right after he made something he took it out of the mold and then he had to file down the edges. We got to try filing down a spoon and it was really easy.


Andi: Then we went to making wigs. Also known as the Wig Maker. One girl was telling us how to make wigs. One other girl was making a wig. They made different hairs for different people. They had to get the size of the scalp. The girl that I mentioned earlier was making curls on the wig and that’s one of the hardest to make.

Nick: At the Wig Maker they would use human hair, yak hair, goat hair, and horse hair. They made lots of different styles, like braids, curls, and lots more. They could also put flowers and stuff in girls’ wigs. To make your wig they had to make a wood model of your scalp to fit it right. We also go to see someone putting curls in a wig. She would comb a section of hair then roll it up and secure it with a bobby pin.


Andi: We saw the type set. That was the words covered in ink. We also saw the press. That’s how they get the ink to really show up.

Nick: We went to the printer where they printed newspaper articles. They had a bunch of sorts which are the little sticks with letters on one side. They then put them in a typeset. Then they put the paper on the typeset and pressed it down to get the ink on the paper. It was really neat to watch.


Andi: Then we went to the Silversmith. If you’ve seen a blacksmith, except with silver. He hammered out the ingot to make pieces. An ingot is a small bar of something and in this case silver. Also in rings or stuff he would put colored glass in for some color.

Nick: They would take the money you paid and turn it into what you wanted by melting it. They would also keep some for themselves. They would melt your money which would be made out of silver into an ingot. They would hammer the ingot into whatever you wanted, all by hand. On some pieces they would use colored glass to color it.


Nick: Next we went to the Apothecary, which is where they keep all the medicine. One of the types of medicine was Ipecac which is made from the root of a plant. It makes you puke. They also put sugar candy in some medicine to give it flavor.


Andi: They had tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. I got hot chocolate. It was horrible.

Nick: This is where men would get drinks and talk about politics. We got to try one drink and I chose hot chocolate. It had cayenne pepper in it and it was awful even when I put a ton of sugar in it.

Capitol Building

Andi: We saw where the elected officials and the appointed people live. The appointed people got a piece of paper from the king. The paper has 12 people on it.

Nick: It was divided into two parts. In one part, the elected officials worked and in the other part the appointed officials which were chosen by the king.


Nick: The toilets were just a wooden hole in the ground. There were shackles in each cell. There was also a coffin in one. We also saw one nicer cell with a bed for wealthy prisoners.


Andi: We saw the gun being forged and rifled. And then we learned that the boys shot guns at the age of 12.

Nick: We saw a barrel being forged and we also saw a barrel being rifled. It was neat to watch. I learned that you got a gun when you were 12. Instead of using wood they used coal.  After the Gunsmith I went back to the foundry. I saw the same stuff but I got to bend a metal spoon.



Andi: Then we went to the brickyard. They made bricks out of wooden molds.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fort Sumter


Two days ago we ran in the morning again. Then we drove to Half Way Creek campsite because the one we wanted to go to, Buck Hall, wasn’t available. Then we cleaned the camper because it was a mess. After that we did some math for home-schooling. Then we ate dinner and went to bed.

Fort Sumter
Yesterday we ran in the morning as usual. Then we moved to Buck Hall. After that we went to Fort Sumter which is from the Civil War. The most interesting thing I learned was that when the fort was attacked the walls collapsed which made them thicker so it was better protected. Then we went home and did some school.

Today we ran in the morning. Then we went to the Charles Pinckney Museum. He fought in the Revolutionary War and he helped write the Constitution. We became Junior Rangers which I hate doing but my mom makes me. Then we went to the beach and swam for a while. Finally we did some school and had homemade pizza.


Yesterday we went running in the morning again. Then we had eggs and hashbrowns. Next we packed up the camper and started to drive to our new campsite. On the way we stopped at a rest stop that had a playground and I was about to go on the swings but then my knee started hurting really bad so I went back to the camper and sat down. Then we started driving again. We didn’t make it to our campsite so we stayed at a Walmart parking lot. The Walmart was in a city called Zebulon. After we stopped, my Uncle Jon came and we had dinner at San Jose. It was Mexican and everyone loved the food. Then we went back to the camper and played a game called Cover Your A$$ets with Uncle Jon.

First Landing Beach
Today we drove to First Landing State Park. We learned that in 1607 the first English settlers came to America and landed in Virginia. They came on three ships called Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. Then we went and walked on the beach the English settlers landed on. We also saw 8 or 9 really cool military ships in the bay. The water was freezing and your feet would start hurting in about 20 seconds. Then we went to Jamestown Historic Site. It was where the first permanent English settlement was located. We saw an old church. A really cool thing we learned is that the English were starving so they started to eat each other they were so hungry. Then we had stuffed peppers for dinner and watched Back to the Future 3.

Fort Sumter and General Anderson

Feb. 23, 2017

Two days ago we drove to Half Way Creek because Buck Hall wasn’t available. Then once we got there we cleaned the camper. I cleaned the windows. Then we did some school work.

Andi hugging a cannon at Fort Sumter
Yesterday I ran on the trail that was by our campsite. Then we moved to Buck Hall. Once we were settled in Nick and I drove Nick’s remote control car. We did funny tricks. Then we went to Fort Sumter in the car. I lost my tooth! Then we got on the ferry that took us to the fort. Once we go to the fort there was a ranger telling stuff about the fort. A bit about what he told us: A guy named General Anderson snuck out of Fort Moultrie and went toward Fort Sumter (the fort that we went to) wanting to take over and he did, but a little while later he had to surrender.

Andi and Nick getting their
Junior Ranger badges at the
Charles Pinckney Museum

Today I ran. Then Nick and I played with his remote control car. It wasn’t working so Nick had to fix it. Then we went to Charles Pinckney museum. We had a job to find a ring and the olden day penny. I found the ring right away. The olden day penny does not look anything like it does today. It’s way bigger. Then we became junior rangers. We went outside and saw the rice trunk. It’s not actually supposed to hold rice, it just makes salt water into fresh water. Then we had lunch. After that we went to the beach. Then we ate dinner.

Feb. 25, 2017

Yesterday I went running without daddy. Then I took a shower. After that we ate Mommy’s great breakfast. Then we sat in the car for half the day. Then we ate dinner with Uncle Jon. After dinner we played Cover Your A$$ets with him before he left. He was the first person to be in our camper on this trip.

Tiny church at Jamestown
Today I went to First Landing State Park. John Smith was first to land on a boat. First Landing State Park is where they landed. That’s how it got its name. The ships were called Discovery, Godspeed, and Susan Constant. Then we went to the beach that he landed on. The water was freezing. Then we went to the Jamestown historical site. We didn’t stay long because a storm was coming. Then we went home and had dinner and watched Back to the Future 3. A little more about Jamestown. The people there had to eat other people because it was so hard to find food. They also got hunted down by Indians. The church they had was tiny. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Skidaway and Fort Pulaski


Two days ago, it was really rainy so we didn’t do anything in the morning except play Monopoly. I won. After it cleared up a little, Andi and I rod our bikes to the playground and played there for a while. Then we went to the library to update all of our games. We also uploaded a video of me on YouTube for a homeschooling project. After that we picked up Mom from the airport in Atlanta. Finally, we got Chick-Fil-A for dinner.

Yesterday we hiked up Stone Mountain. It was the first time Mom hiked up with us and for some reason it took us longer than usual. Then we left our campsite to go to the next one. On the way we stopped at Whistle Stop Café and got fried green tomatoes. I did not like them but Mom and Dad loved them. We didn’t quite make it to our campsite so we stayed at a Walmart for the night.
Today we arrived at our next campsite in Skidaway State Park. Then we went on a trolley tour of Savannah which showed us lots of mansions. During the tour we stopped at a park and ate lunch. There was a playground that Andi and I played on. We also stopped at an old church that was huge. I did not like the tour in general. Then Andi and I rode our bikes for a while and checked out a few playgrounds in the campsite.


Yesterday we went running in the morning. It was pretty cold outside. Then Dad and I went to a Lost Prevention talk which was about how to not get lost in the woods and if you do, what you should do. The person that was doing the talk said you should carry a bag with a whistle, a candle, a garbage bag, matches, a sugar mint, bright fabric, and two band-aids when you are hiking. The whistle could help people hear you if you get lost. The candle you could burn green leaves to make smoke. The matches would light the candle. With the garbage bag, you rip a hole in it for your head and it would keep you warm and dry. The sugar mint would give you a little energy. The bright fabric you can tie to a tree and it stands out so people can find you. The band-aids, well you know what band-aids do. 

After the talk we went to Fort Pulaski. We went on a guided tour. It was really fun. We learned about the prison in Fort Pulaski. We also learned about the Sallyport, which is the door (Sallyport is French for main door). We also learned about the Demilune, which is an island that’s inside the moat. There is a bridge that goes onto the Demilune and then another one that goes to the Sallyport, so people trying to break in have to get through two bridges while getting shot at. The Demilune is a triangle. Demilune is French for half moon. The fort was built by a French man, so that is why there are so many French words. In the walls there were little slits that shotguns could shoot through. Fort Pulaski was used in the Civil War. The last thing we saw was the destruction from when Fort Pulaski was attacked. You could still see cannon shells in the wall. Finally, we went home and had dinner.
Destroyed wall of Fort Pulaski


Yesterday we woke up and we went running. I ran about 2 miles. Then we came back to the camper and ate breakfast. Then we did some home schooling. I mostly did math. Then we had lunch. After lunch someone came over to our door and it happened to be the mom of some kids in the cabin right next to us. She said that their kids were too shy to ask to play, so she asked for them. We said yes and we went over to play with them. Their names were Jacob and Mikah. Jacob was 10 and Mikah was 7. We played tag, hide and seek, freeze tag, lava monster, and man hunt. We played all those games until about 8:30. Then we went back to their cabin and had smores.

Today I woke up early and saw our friends from yesterday so I asked my mom if we could play and she said yes. We played five hundred with a football and then we switched to a Frisbee. Then Mikah and Jacob rented bikes. Jacob and I went to the park and played football for a while. After we were done playing football, we went to his cabin and ate sandwiches for lunch. After lunch Jacob and I spied on some random people for a while and then we played walkie talkie tag on our bikes. Walkie talkie tag is where two people have walkie talkies and one counts to 70 and the other hides. Then the person that is hiding keeps moving and gives clues to where they are. The person that was counting tries to catch them. When we were done playing I went back to my camper and he went to his cabin. Then just my family cooked hot dogs over a campfire. After we were done with hot dogs we cooked smores with our friends. 

Andi and I enjoying the fire

Skidaway and more about the fort

Feb. 17, 2017

Two days ago I woke up and it was raining (outside it was a big sloppy mess) outside so we didn’t go running that day. Then we went to the library. Nick and I played Monopoly (Nick won). Then Nick and I went to the playground and played for a while. Then daddy read Harry Potter to me. Then we went to pick mommy up from the airport. We went to chick-fil-a for dinner (with mommy to celebrate).

Yesterday I hiked up Stone Mountain. Then we packed up (when we were packing we talked to a nice man about where we were going) the campsite to leave to Skidaway (that’s the campsite we’re going to). Then we hit the road. In the car we did education. Then we stopped at Whistle Stop Café to eat fried green tomatoes. Then we went to a Walmart to stay.

Today I arrived at Skidaway. Then Nick and I checked out 3 different playgrounds. Then we went on a trolley tour. We learned a lot about Savannah history. Then we stopped and ate lunch. Luckily there was a playground that Nick and I could let our energy out. Then we got back on a trolley. We passed the river and saw the Waving Girl (it’s a statue). Then we checked out the visitor center. We went home and watched Trolls with popcorn.

Feb. 19, 2017

Being shot off a small cannon
Yesterday we went running. Then Nick and Daddy went to a lost prevention thing. I don’t know anything about it cause I didn’t go. Then we went to Fort Pulaski. We got a tour guide and learned there was a fire in one part of the fort. Also we learned that the board (there was a big board using the wall as a stander) was protection. Then we went up the spiral staircase and read some signs. Then we became Junior Rangers. We also got a pack of trading cards. (I got one more than Nick). We went home and had dinner then played two games of Skipbo and had ice cream. I am going to tell you a bit more about how the fort is related to the Civil War. The Union soldiers attacked one side of the fort. People in the fort surrendered because they saw the other side had gun powder in it and it would blow up the whole fort.

Feb. 20, 2017

Yesterday I did school work in the morning. Then we rested or relaxed for a while.  Then we played with our new friends (Jacob and Mikah). Then we had smores.

Today I slept until 9:15 am. Then I had cereal. I went on a bike ride with the boys after that. Then I played Frisbee with them. Then their cousin came over and I taught them how to play woodchip. Here’s how: somebody counts to seven and then when he or she thinks they hear someone on the woodchips they call “woodchip”. Then I went back and had lunch with them. Then Dad put my hammock up and I rested there for a while. I let my friends try it too. Then I did school work for a while. Then I had hotdogs over the fire.

Andi sleeping in her hammock

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Stone Mountain and Alexander Hamilton


Yesterday I ran in the morning with my Mom for just over a mile. After Mom and I got back from running we packed up camp and drove to our next camp site, Stone Mountain in Atlanta, Georgia. We unhitched the RV when we got to Stone Mountain. Then we took Mom to the airport so she could go home. She is flying home once a month for five days to work. After we dropped Mom off at the airport we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. One of the employees just walked up to us and asked us if we wanted a free vanilla shake. We said yes and Andi and I split it. After lunch we finished setting up camp. Finally, we ate pizza for dinner and watched a movie.

Free is always better
Today Dad, Andi, and I all ran together. We ran 1.2 miles. After we ran we went mini-golfing for about one hour. We all got one hole in one. After mini-golf we went on a sky tram to the top of Stone Mountain. We could see lots of big cities from the tram. When we got to the top of the Mountain we could see Atlanta. We hiked down the mountain and surprisingly it did not take very long. After we hiked down Stone Mountain we went to a museum that was about the mountain. It was really cool. We went shopping to get supplies for a project I’m doing in home schooling. Finally, we had dinner and watched a movie.


Yesterday we hiked up Stone Mountain in the morning instead of running. It took about an hour and 10 minutes. After we hiked the Mountain we went to Snow Land which is a little area where they make snow because in Georgia snow is a big deal. There was a snow sprayer that was supposed to shoot out snow, but since it was so warm, the snow was all ice chunks and I got hit in the face with one. When we were done with Snow Land, we went sledding down a giant hill on tubes. There was a moving sidewalk that got you to the top of the hill. You could go in a single person tube, a double person tube, or you could go on a family tube which could hold six people. My favorite was the family tube because it was heavier, so you went way faster. We went tubing for two hours. Then, when we were done tubing we went back to the camper and started a campfire. After the campfire was going good, we got out some hot dogs and roasted them over the fire. They were really good. We also cooked baked beans in the fire and they were good too. Finally we cooked smores over the fire and went to bed.

My autobiography school project
about Alexander Hamilton
Today we hiked up the mountain again but this time it didn’t take us as long. After we got back from the hike I worked on a school project until lunch. We had macaroni for lunch. After lunch we went to the library because it had internet. At the library we updated all of our games on our tablets. After we got back from the library we had tacos for dinner. Finally, we had another campfire and smores.


Today we woke up and ate cereal for breakfast. After we had breakfast, we went to the Georgia Aquarium. We stayed there pretty much the whole day. Some of my favorite things were the Baluga Whales. We got to see live Balugas swimming around in a tank. They were really fast. They’re called Balugas because beluga is Russian for white. We also saw a manta ray which is a type of sting ray. It was 26 feet from wing tip to wing tip. We also saw a dolphin show which was amazing. The dolphins could jump really high. They could also do flips. We sat in the splash zone, but we didn’t get wet. We also saw a short Ice Age show that was 4D. 4D is where everything pops out at you, but there’s also smell and if it’s raining in the video it rains for real life. Then we went home and had a pizza party.

Hiking up Stone Mountain

Feb. 9, 2017

Today I went running and ran all the way over to the prison park in Andersonville Georgia. We ran back and had breakfast. Then we went over to prison park (again). We learned lots of cool things. The deadline and the prison (as you can guess there’s a big prison, that’s why it’s called prison park). Then we saw lots of graves of the soldiers that died. Then we got milk (not from the cows next door). A bit more about the prison. The deadline is a place that if anybody touches it they die because people shoot them. Many people are so skinny they looked like skeletons that are alive because they don’t get very much food.

Feb. 11, 2017

Mini golfing
Today I ran 1.2 miles. Then I had breakfast and lost my tooth. Then I went mini-golfing. I was really lucky. I got one in on my first try. Also one time there were two holes; one was bad and one was good. I got it in the good one (Nick and Daddy got it in the bad one). Then I went on a sky tram and saw the carving (there was a carving in the mountain) up close. I got to walk on the top of the mountain. I hiked down. It took about 30 minutes to get down. Then we went to the museum. Then we watched a movie and had dinner.

Yesterday, I packed up camp and left for Stone Mountain Campground. Then once we got there we unhitched and took mom to the airport. We said goodbye and went to chick-fil-a for lunch. We went home and had dinner and watched a movie. (We learned that mom got paid $400 to go on a later flight).

Feb. 13, 2017

Andi walking across the rocks
on the top of Stone Mountain
Yesterday I hiked up Stone Mountain. Then we went to snow land and got ice chunks pelted at us (since people in Georgia don’t get snow they thought it was fun). Then we went sledding and it was awesome. There was a tube that could fit all of us and a tube that could fit two of us and a tube that could fit one of us. We went down the family tube and then went down the singles and doubles. They went so fast. The last two we went down the family one and actually got the last two since it was so quick. Then we went home and had a campfire and played a game of Cover Your Assets.

Today I hiked up the mountain. Then Nick did his Alexander Hamilton work. We had macaroni for lunch when he was done. Then we went to the library and updated our tablets. Then we had tacos for dinner, then had smores.
Money Eyes
Stone Mountain Carving 

Feb. 14, 2017

Today I woke up and played my tablet for a while. Then we went to the aquarium. It was so much fun. We saw a 4D show called “No time for nuts”. It was so funny! We saw a dolphin show. It was really cool! Then we went home and I played my tablet (again). We had a pizza party in our jammies.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Settling in to the new routine


Yesterday we went running in the morning. I ran 1.73 miles with Mom. Mom also did laundry while Andi and I studied US History. We studied for about an hour. I also went biking for a while. At night we had a camp fire. We cooked Tilapia over the fire. It was delicious.

Today we ran in the morning again. Then we drove to our campsite and tried to watch the Super Bowl but the signal was bad. The Patriots won against the Falcons in overtime.

2/8/2017 20th day of Great Adventure

A couple of days ago we went running on the beach. Then, when we finished running, we went to play on the beach. The water was really cold, but it felt really good. We played on the beach almost the whole day. At about noon, we went back to the camper to eat lunch. After we ate lunch, we went on a bike ride. 

Yesterday we played on the beach again in the morning until lunch time. Then we showered and went to the library and I studied for a project for our homeschooling. We stayed at the library for the entire afternoon. After the library we went back to the camper and ate dinner. 

Today we went running in the morning again. Then we hitched up the RV and we went to dump the tanks but they were clogged and it took dad two hours to fix it. We started driving to our new campsite right away. It took us five hours to get to our new campsite. We stopped at a Burger King for lunch. After we got to the new campsite we hooked up and did some education.


Today we went running about 2 miles to an old war prison from the Civil War. Then we ran back to the camper. When we got back to the camper we ate breakfast. After we had breakfast Andi and I played a board game until lunch. After lunch we went back to the Andersonville Prison. At the prison we learned about the deadline, which is a gate right in front of the outer wall and if a prisoner touched it they got shot by snipers. The only place the prisoners had to drink from was the same stream they went to the bathroom in. There was also a museum about the prison that we looked at briefly. Some of the people that made it out of prison were so skinny that you could see their ribs and all their joints. On the way back to the camper we stopped at the Civil War village and there was a swing hanging from a tree and we took turns having Dad push us. Finally, we walked back to the camper and had dinner.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sunrise on the beach

Feb. 3, 2017

Last night I talked to the de Snoos.

Today I woke up and Nick wasn’t home. I went into mommy and daddy’s room and mommy wasn’t there. I asked daddy where they were and he said “Mommy’s in the shower but I don’t know where Nick is.” So I checked in the shower but mommy wasn’t there so I said “No she’s not in the shower!” I said “Maybe they went running without us” and dad said “No they wouldn’t do that.” But when Nick and mommy came home they said they ran without us. Then we all ran together and once we got back we hopped on our bikes and went to the beach to look for shark teeth. Then we became junior rangers (at least Nick and I did. Mommy and Daddy didn’t). Then we went to our campsite in Georgia.

Feb. 5, 2017

Yesterday I went running. I ran 1.05 miles. After that mommy washed laundry and Nick and I did US History. When we were done Nick and I folded laundry. A little while later Nick and I found firewood and made a campfire. We told ghost stories. Mine was the funniest. Nick’s was the scariest. Dad’s started out scary and ended happy.

Today I ran with dad and ran 1.54 miles. Then I sat in the car for the rest of the day and watched the rest of the Super Bowl.

Feb. 8, 2017

Two days ago we went running. Then we went to the beach all morning. Nick and I went in the water. The waves were really high. They knocked Nick and I over multiple times. We played in the sand. I made a cake, soup, and pie. I gave it all to mommy and daddy. Then we went for a bike ride. I had to go back because I was tired. When I got back I wasn’t feeling good. Then we learned about the Underground Railroad.

Yesterday, we played on the beach till lunch. Then we went to the library. After that, we went home and ate dinner.

Today, we watched the sunrise on the beach (in our p.j.’s getting them wet). Then we took showers. We ate breakfast and set off to our new campsite. Then once we got there we did our education. We ate chicken nuggets and went to bed.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Shark teeth

2/2/17   15 day of Great Adventure

Yesterday we left our Loughman Lake Campsite and we drove to an old Spanish mill that had a restaurant for breakfast. What was really cool about this restaurant was that you got to cook your own food. There was a griddle built right into the middle of the table. I got chocolate chip pancakes and so did mom. Dad got cinnamon apple pancakes and Andi got French toast. We got to cook all of our food right on the griddle. The food was really good. There was also a spring at the Spanish mill. In the middle it was 30 feet deep and there was an underwater cave. It was really cool.  After the mill we got back in the car and drove to our new campsite at Fort Clinch State Park. After we got to our campsite we went to the beach to find shark teeth. None of us found any.
great white shark tooth
in Andi's hand

Today we ran on the beach for a while. Mom and Andi ran 1.12 miles and then turned back. Dad and I ran 1.44 miles. After that we got passport pictures at a Fed Ex store but they were no good so we got them retaken at the library. We also turned in the passport applications. While we were doing that, dad got the propane tanks filled. Then we went back to our campsite and went back to the beach to look for shark teeth. I found 3, but I dropped one. I was really sad and mad. Dad found 5 shark teeth. One of them was a great white tooth. It was really big. Then we went back to the campsite and called the deSnoos and played cover your assets.
All of our shark teeth - the largest is a great white shark

Today I woke up early by accident and mom happened to be up and she was about to go running so I decided to run with her. We ended up running 1.45 miles. We ran on the beach right next to the water. After we got back from our run we ran with Dad and Andi. Mom and Andi turned back early, and Dad and I kept going a little longer. After we all got back to camp we packed up and went to our new campsite. We stopped at a few stores and got stuff for the camper. After about 2 hours, we got to our new campsite. We got camp set up, ate dinner and then played Clue together.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

RV projects and more

So, this entry will likely be a bit long, but I’m trying to catch up for everything that’s been going on. 

It’s taken us a bit more time than I expected to get settled. I guess I didn’t fully appreciate that this was essentially like moving into a new house. We’ve discovered new things about the rig and completed a bunch of projects to make it ‘liveable’. Here is the list of things we’ve done:

bedroom shelves (went from 3 to 6)
  • Installed shelves in our bedroom
  • Installed shelves in the bathroom
  • Installed a wall hanging device for our bathroom items
  • Installed toothbrush and toothpaste holders
  • Installed soap dispensers in the bathroom and shower
  • Installed hooks in the ‘hallway’
  • Installed a wall hanging device for games
  • Unclogged the toilet (this was particularly stressful – it turns out that the water conservation strategies that you use for your fresh water and grey water tanks DO NOT apply to the black water – you need to use lots of water when you flush or things get plugged up pretty quickly)
  • Revised the shower drain
  • Rewired the fan in the kids’ room so that it is no longer on the light switch
  • Rearranged everything in the cabin and the exterior compartments (garage and basement) – we actually have everything put away
a more functional bathroom
Dave working hard
This may or may not sound like a lot, but it is a solid two days worth of work. The kids were very patient during all of these projects, taking plenty of time to play outside. Thankfully Dave is a wizard with projects.

We’ve managed to sneak in a fair bit of fun and education as well. I haven’t started any of the formal education yet, but they are still learning. We learned a lot about the mangroves, swamps, and alligators at Big Cypress and the Everglades. There was an excellent astronomy program one night in the Everglades. 

Our experience at Kennedy Space Center was incredible. I was really proud of the kids – especially Andi, who maintained focus for the vast majority of the very long day. We were there from 9:00 to 6:20, taking about 30 minutes for lunch and 15 minutes on a playground. The rest of the time we spent learning about the space program. They paid very close attention and learned a lot. We had a really nice follow-up to the day by watching Apollo 13. It reinforced a lot of the things we saw, especially about the Saturn V rocket. The Kennedy experience also complemented some of what the kids learned about in Houston at NASA last summer. There was an exhibit about the International Space Station. The kids were in the functional model last summer and were actually able to tell the exhibitor a few things that she didn’t know. The Kennedy IMAX theater played a movie about the ISS and it was filmed when Colonel Terry Virts was on board; Colonel Virts served as the tour guide for the kids in Houston.

The kids in control of the command module
Saturn V rocket

Today we are in Fort Clinch State Park. The kids spent some time combing the beach for shark teeth. They were excited because the sand on the beach here is ‘squeaky’ underneath their feet. Tomorrow we’re going to start trying to get on a schedule.